When: 6/13/2013 at 11:00 AM EDT

Where: Google Hangout  

Participants: Bob Jolliffe, Steffen Tengesdal, Derek Ritz, Jorge Queipo, Scott Teesdale, 

Recorded Video: http://youtu.be/T4LTW5bs_z8


Agenda: We outlined the areas of work that folks in the community mentioned as interesting for them in previous calls.

  2. IHE CSD Review
  3. Provider Registry and CSD



  1. Provider Registry Link

    1. CSD is taking different standards and describing an exchange profile

    2. Derek is an Editor

    3. Overall feedback is ongoing in Github

    4. CSD is designed to find interrelated information between providers and facilities

    5. Public Comment Period:

      1. Will happen in next week / will be released

      2. 4-6 Weeks

      3. Published to Broad List

      4. End of July will be a face to face meeting

      5. Trial implementation in Aug/Sept

        1. Connect-a-thon - Jan, 2014

    6. Who else is on the committee

      1. 50 people -> ~20 will be participating

      2. All IHE members can vote on this

      3. Same as Oasis... can gain or lose rights by participating


  2. FRED Issues

    1. XML Endpoint and exposing it natively (Issue 62)

      1. Have a GeoRSS Schema endpoint, Doesn’t quite describe the same spirit

      2. Define the XSD for CSD

      3. Extension for the endpoint
    1. Follow Up: Ed will connect bob and Martin to start playing with it

    2. Follow Up: Can bob send any of the schema issues to Derek... to improve the IHE Profile

    3. Standards Engagement

      1. Technical Axis and Practical Participation

3. Hierarchy Support