When: 07/25/2013 at 11:00 AM EDT

Where: Google Hangout  

Participants: Jorge Queipo, Scott Teesdale, Martin Verzilli, Bob Jolliffe 

Recorded Video: http://youtu.be/Gme9tiIkm9E

* There were some technical difficulties recording some of the sound on this video.  This issue should be resolved by the next call. 


  1. Partial Updates (Issue #35)
  2. Methods to expose metadata (Issue #57
  3. Exposing an XML Endpoint (Issue #62) and compatibility with the IHE HPD and CSD profiles (Issue #63
  4. Others? Propose during the meeting or by replying to this post.



Partial Updates

1) We all agreed that it would be nice if the current update facility method (http://facilityregistry.org/#update-facility) simply accepted a partial facility representation instead of requiring a "Full new resource representation". For example, if a client just wants to update a facility's location, it may well PUT { coordinates: { lat: xxx, long: yyy } } to the facility's resource address which would cause the FR to update only the coordinates leaving the rest of the properties untouched.

2) A related use case would be when the client sends fields that the FR doesn't know or care about. We agreed that it could simply ignore them and return the full facility resource after update. A possible enhancement to this approach, as suggested by Jorge, would be for the FR to return an additional entity informing the client about fields it doesn't know of/care about.

How to expose metadata via FRED