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Next Priorities*

Specification Content

Review to ensure mADX is included.  Change drawing to not assume that mADX/ADX report comes from HMIS.    


Begin to support the Spanish version of the diagram.  


Defining data exchanges. (Link)


Review CR requirements to ensure PMIR and other FHIR standards are in there.  Check for changes due to CR offline transactions.  


 EMR ↔ Community system exchange for patient follow up (Link)


Redefine SHR requirements based upon FHIR


 Merging recent activities to define lab system requirements


HIV Case reporting and COVID case reporting.


Redefine SHR transactions based upon FHIR


Creating a statement for the Architecture Specification


Translation into French and Spanish


Establish base requirements for the product catalogue.  


Review OHIE lab workflows with OMRS team to see if there are changes, additions, clarifications   


Specification Format

Determine how to link FHIR IGs


Determine and document ownership in the specification content sections.  


Establish potential IHE roles for each architecture component.   


Application Certification / Testing 

Prepare and share a framework for talking about OHIE Certification  


Create a proposal for the roles of Instant OpenHIE, IHE and other tooling in the Data exchange Certification process.   



Determine how each requirement will be evaluated (method and criteria).  


Architecture Process  and People

Take a fresh look at ARB stakeholders and appropriate make up of the group.