When: 01/09/2014 at 11:00 AM EDT

Where: Google Hangout  

Participants: Bob Jolliffe, Carl Leitner, Martin Verzilli, Eduardo Jezierski, Scott Teesdale

Recorded Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfs3uBRqNsI



  1. Coordinate IHE - CSD Connect-a-thon Preparations
  2. Generate and Discuss 2014 Goals re: FRED API and Facility Registry Implementations
  3. AOB? Feel free to join and suggest it as an agenda item.


Services in CSD

What are we actually going to do at the connectathon?

Are we planning to carry a couple virtual machines?

Moving Forward with Test Data

Is there an example test suite for the connect-a-thon?

Can we do a dry run online?  

Risks for CSD?

Other Facility Registry - Potential Goals