Objective: identify, describe outstanding architecture issues that need to be addressed. (What's missing? What's broken?  What's incomplete? What's unclear?)

Informed by past and current states, the goal of this discussion is not to solve the particular architectural issue, but rather to clarify the specific issues so that the community has a common foundational understanding.

Example architectural issues include, but are not limited to:

A recommended framework for approaching this discussion includes:

  1. clear "time box" for each topic (e.g, 30-minute discussion, etc.)
  2. begin by defining the issue
  3. avoid engineering a solution to the issue (Do others believe we will have time to develop solutions to some of the outstanding issues? I’m not certain we will.)
  4. describe what a successful resolution looks like (“define success”)
  5. describe a process for developing a strategy (e.g., ”develop a new IHE profile”, or “Convene the architecture review board (ARB), describe and discuss 3 potential solutions, obtain consensus through a vote.”, etc.)