When: 12/11/2014 at 11:00 AM EDT

Where: Google Hangout  

Participants: Scott, Niamh, Clara, Mark , Larry, Ed, Carl

Recorded Video: http://youtu.be/SqDPM2dYJzc



Questions Still To Resolve


  1. Explicitly scope out the that this workflow focuses on the managing of versions of code sets, not necessarily how it is then migrated and processed.

  2. Identifying what are the code sets being used are.

  3. Focus on some types that are problematic for versioning or misunderstood semantics. (see above)

  4. Agree on a way to expose those types in a TS (a discovery API) to detect what it says is an appropriate terminology matches what exists

  5. Finally, determine a way to read/import/etc the new dictionary from the TS