As the DUC was beginning to host regular community touch points, we scheduled meetings on a monthly basis along with follow-up calls. As the DUC grew and progressed in their efforts, it became clear these monthly meetings were no longer needed to sustain the work and connection of the community. We now host meetings throughout the month as needed, as it works for community members, and on topics that are timely for the work.
Monthly Community MeetingsThe monthly community meetings are the heart of the Data Use Community. This was the original meeting point where the whole community could to come together to discuss and hear the work of this making efforts in-country on data use, HIV prevention and the efforts within the HIV treatment cycle. Each month had a different focus that will be advertised as soon as possible. DUC DebriefsThe DUC Debriefs were informal sessions, facilitated by the secretariat team to allow for additional collaboration and follow-up conversation on that month's community meeting topic(s). |