Monthly Outlook of Upcoming Meetings of the Data Use CommunityThe DUC hosts multiple meetings that are open for all to participate and contribute to the work! We will update the below table with these upcoming calls and their relevant details. Follow the community forum for updates on upcoming meetings! 
Summaries, recordings, and meeting materials from DUC Calls are posted to this wiki page. Zoom Connection Details | Join from computer or mobile: Meeting ID: 828 2453 9607 Password: 1 | The community is always seeking more community members to share their experiences. If you are interested in hearing or sharing examples for any of the following themes please email the Secretariat at
DUC Themes | Theme Overviews |
Identity Management Collaborative SessionsMonthly on the Last Wednesday @1 pm UTC
Find the 2025 call dates here!
| We will continue to discuss what work countries are doing around patient identity management. The goals of these monthly meetings are to:
- Provide space for peer learning on patient identity management.
- Build community linkages between teams working on patient identity management.
- Begin to gather common practices, challenges and experiences to be documented in the Patient Identity Management Toolkit
Treatment Continuity Monthly on the 2nd Thursday @ 1 pm UTC
Find the 2025 call dates here!
| Goals for these sessions: - Provide a space for peer learning & networking
- Build community linkages between teams.
- Begin to gather common practices, challenges and experiences to be documented in the Technology Intervention Framework.
Data QualityAd Hoc
Find the 2025 call dates here!
| Goals for these sessions: |
Metrics & ReportingAd Hoc
Community Wide MeetingsAd Hoc
Find the 2025 call dates here!