Session Name: Implementers’ Experiences: Country Sharing Roundtable
OHIE18 Event Page - 
Time / Room: 3:45 - 4:45 Marquee

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    5 countries represented:
        Representant of Malawi DUP
        MoH Rwanda:
            Happy to see how other countries porgress and are developing their HI via OHIE
            Scale on 1 to 10, Rwanda is at 2 based on where they want to be. BUt they are very confidnet to scale up 
            Scale of 1 to 10 - difficult to provide, but 4.5 
        MIke MOba: Liberia
Q: can you share some examples of where you are beginning to see results that are improving access/ availibility or use of data?  
Q: What can external institutions like Africa CDC and WHO do to support the future directions in HIS?