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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are high level measurements of the status of the supply chain. KPIs are sourced from underlying indicators and transactional information within the supply chain. This document defines common KPIs (i.e. DISC Indicators) that provide high level measurement as well as a minimum set of metrics that collect information from the point of service transaction.

Key Performance Indicators

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(Source Data) Requisition Fields for Metrics

The view above shows the fields from the requisition that need to be mapped to the metrics. This work has already been done for the OpenLMIS reporting stack.

Sample Requisition Screenshot from OpenLMIS:

Metrics (from DHIS2 Metric Scope and Definition Page)

Below is the list of indicators that our DHIS2 integration will support. Each one is calculated per product, reporting period, facility, and program.

Stock Status

This metric evaluates the status of stock for each line item. Four values are returned Stockout, Understocked, Adequately Stocked and Overstocked. Below describes how these metrics are calculated against the core Requisition source data:

Received Quantities

The amount from the totalReceivedQuantity field on the requisition line item for that product, reporting period, and facility.

Consumed Quantities

The amount from the totalConsumedQuantity field on the requisition line item for that product, reporting period, and facility.

Total Stockout Days

The total number of days in the totalStockoutDays field on the requisition line item for that product, reporting period, and facility.