We opened our meeting with a summary of our progress so far, which has led us to the topic, “Approaches to Patient Reminders and Tracking”. We revisited the discussion on Client Registries and patient linking opportunities. For more information about Open Client Registry (OpenCR), contact Cathy Pak at cathy.pak@icf.com. The slides from the OpenCR presentation can be viewed on Discourse here.

The meeting featured three presentations of solutions for patient reminders and tracking:

The slides for each of the presentations can be accessed from the DUC Discourse page.

During the discussion of these three presentations, we touched on the importance of aligning back-end data models from the start of the project to ensure integration with other tools. We also discussed the types of technologies used and why they were selected. Presenters emphasized the need for cost-effective solutions that supported offline capabilities. Participants also asked several questions regarding data integration and improvement on outcomes. Overall, we had an engaging discussion of these solutions. Please post follow-up questions and thoughts to our Discourse “Questions” page.