Title Of Community

Welcome to the Data Use Community (DUC)!

The DUC was built to leverage the expertise in clinical care, systems, policy, and data reuse and analysis, along with the field experience available across implementing agencies, ministries, and implementing partners, to create a peer support network of interested practitioners. This DUC will initially focus on guidance regarding approaches for enhancing continuity of treatment and interruption in treatment. We propose to then extend this tested approach to address other evolving priorities that can only be addressed through individual patient-level data.

The DUC will operate in a community and iterative way to support U.S. Government country teams and Ministries of Health.

The DUC will initially be working towards the following goals:

  • Be initiated with founding members with relevant clinical expertise for HIV prevention, treatment, and care, informatics, and data science.
  • Consolidate best practices, drawn from country experience, to a generally applicable and context-specific approach to improve continuity of treatment and reduce interruption in treatment, with specific attention to the data and systems approach.
  • Ensure field experience sharing, improve interagency coordination and collaboration, and integrate group efforts to support program goals.

If you are interested in joining, feel free to join our mailing list on our website. Also, feel free to contact info@duc.ohie.org if you have any questions.

Community Meeting Topics

February 9, 2021March 9, 2021April 13, 2021

Medical Records and Continuity of Treatment (Retention)

Bringing It Together: Lessons Learned So Far

To Be Announced

Upcoming Conferences and Events

Come connect with the DUC! We will be sending representatives to conferences and events soon!

Visit our website to sign up for information regarding the Data Use Community (DUC)! https://ohie.org/duc

Community Meetings

Every 2nd Tuesday of the month from 9 - 10:30 AM Eastern Time

Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://iu.zoom.us/j/97792882495

You can also launch Zoom and enter this meeting ID:   

977 9288 2495

Or Telephone:

Dial: +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll) or +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll)

Webinar ID: 977 9288 2495 

International numbers available: https://iu.zoom.us/u/adZfqZAXHm

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