This meeting featured short presentations from national EMR implementers discussing how these tools are used in the continuity of treatment (retention):

Slide presentations are being shared by presenters here.

The need to obtain consent from patients to receive the messages was a common thread across the SMS interventions. A community member asked how systems are used to predict the risk for treatment interruptions. Kemar Celestin noted that some research on implementation of prediction algorithms for risk of future treatment failure has been done. They are currently doing additional research on machine learning methods to predict risk of treatment failure, which could be used for alerts related to frequency of viral load testing or enhanced adherence counseling. They are also studying the robustness of the prediction across varying levels of system data quality and across patient subgroups to build into clinical decision support in the future.

You can post follow-up questions and thoughts to our Discourse “Questions” page, where some unanswered questions from the meeting have also been posted.