This meeting focused on continuing the conversation from our April and March meetings that have dug deeper into the working model that was introduced in the March community meeting. The May community Meetings focus was on pre-appointment support where we were joined by team members from the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF), IntelliSOFT, and iCAP-Ethiopia. 

These three presentations shared some of the following:

This meeting was particularly effective at sparking conversations to share ideas and ask questions of the presenters and has certainly set a standard for how we hope to drive these meetings forward in the future; allowing space for multiple presenters to share their experiences and knowledge as well as time for the community members on the call to ask questions, share ideas, and their own perspectives.

If you didn’t get a chance to attend this meeting or you need to leave the call a little early, we hope to see you at the upcoming DUC Debrief (April 20) to resume this topic. We will also be posting slides and a recording of this meeting on this wiki page.