Prepared by Tim Briscoe, Systems Engineer IV, and Brianna Heron, GHI Summer 2021 Student Employee

Purpose of this Document

The goal for this document is to serve as a guide for getting started as well as updating/creating new materials in GitBook. Think of this guide as initial training for the GitBook software, best practices, and pro tips rather than a step-by-step guide for a start-to-finish project.

Training Materials

Web-based documentation is essentially a collection of formatted text and images. Gitbook allows users to create end-user documentation through an easy-to-use editing interface. Behind the scenes, Gitbook is a collection of text files formatted using Markdown (more on that later). These files can be synced with GitHub for version control and alternate distribution. Each Gitbook project has a corresponding site for end-users.

When it comes to formatting, you can do in-line styles like bold, italic, and strike-through. You can also do standard block or paragraph-level formatting like heading levels 1 through 3, bullet/ordered lists, quotes, tables, etc. There are also special, Gitbook-specific formatting blocks called “Hints.” Essentially these are attention-grabbing paragraphs with an alert icon.

The best way to learn how to use Gitbook is by simply trying it out. You can use the following link to create an account. Once you’re in, you’ll see the documentation projects that Gitbook calls Spaces. One of the spaces is called Testing Area where you can play with all the available features/formatting. It is a private area for our use only.

Other resources that may help you best understand how to use Gitbook:

Markdown primer

Markdown formatting is the heart of Gitbook. When you write/edit text, you’re actually creating Markdown formatting behind the scenes. Gitbook abstracts that way for a WYSIWYG experience. That’s a good thing because Markdown can become tedious. It’s not necessary to know Markdown for using Gitbook but it may be helpful. This is a nice introduction.



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