When: 5/30/13 at 11:00 AM EDT

Where: Google Hangout  

Participants: Scott Teesdale, Matt Berg, Ed Jezierski, Derek Ritz, Jorge Queipo, Carl Leitner, Wendy Schultz, Martin Verzili

Recorded Video: http://youtu.be/ekFrQ6TUy1Q 



  1. An introduction and invitation to participate in informing IHE profile development related to facility registries.  IHE Github Issues
  2. Ongoing FRED API enhancements and issues as documented here: FRED API Github Issues





Action Items:

  1. Community is invited to provide review and discuss the IHE profiles for later input into the IHE process.  Please feel free to add your own or jump in on the conversation.   
    1. Link: https://github.com/facilityregistry/ihe
  2. Continue discussing ongoing topics related to the FRED API 
    1. Here: https://github.com/facilityregistry/fred-api
  3. *** Be sure to "Watch" both sub-repositories to stay engaged in the conversation***