Yearly Community Needs Checklist

The list below is an ongoing checklist for sub-community leads to fold into the work they do for their respective communities. In an effort to assist in achieving goals, the secretariat of OpenHIE will plan a yearly kickoff call and regular meetings throughout the year to offer support and address needs.

We also encourage you to start conversations, obtain feedback, and ask questions in Discourse - our community forum!

Strategic Direction
Ensure strategic integration of activities and proceeds of working groups
Identifies gaps or opportunities for technical collaboration between sub-communities as it related to the OpenHIE architecture and brings those issues to the Architecture Review Board for discussion
Ensure someone is representing your sub community on the Architecture Review Board
Check in on progress on the roadmap / goals and adjust as appropriate
Implementer Support
Document OpenHIE workflow including a documented use case or success story
Ensure that an exemplar solution is created
Reviewing/contributing to materials and recommending technical approaches
Creating implementation support materials and learning materials as appropriate.
Specification and Testing
Document, maintain, and review for changes - the component section of the OpenHIE Architecture Specification
Maintain workflow (data exchange) documentation and determine when standards or processes need to be updated
Determine conformance testing needs (e.g., IHE, FHIR, or other) for workflow in coordination with Exemplar Software Owner and Associate Architects; with a focus on reusing existing tools and approaches.
Review the architecture diagram and determine if there are any needed updates or changes
Support Community Engagement Practices
Draft materials for the subcommunity, support facilitation, help establish and maintain the subcommunity roadmap
When needed, create agendas, facilitate meetings, and engage in community outreach to get key audiences involved
Look for work in progress to push to the OHIN calls for sharing with larger community
Identify and promote success stories by bringing them forward to the larger group