• April 30 - Jembi's Central Data Repository Architecture and implementation experiences
    • @ 9 am ET / 1 pm UTC / 3 pm SAST 
    • In this presentation and discussion Ryan Crichton will share Jembi's thinking on CDR architecture and the implications for IOL and SHR components. It will tackle issues such as scale, information flow, security and the use of FHIR. Please join us to learn more or to share your knowledge in this area. We would like to hear how others in the community are tackling similar issues.

For links to Interoperability Layer community resources CLICK HERE .

Call Information


Calls for the OpenHIE Interoperability Layer subcommunity take place on an ad hoc basis and center on topics brought forward by community members. To suggest a topic, please post it to Discourse and tag Ryan Crichton. 


We will discuss aspects of the OHIE Interoperability Layer.  Please visit https://discourse.ohie.org to join the conversation.

How to Join

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Androidhttps://iu.zoom.us/j/791485115?pwd=WEtHK0llaWZmTWtmTnhPUlVqRmlGUT09

Or Telephone:

Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)

Meeting ID: 791 485 115    Passcode: 1

International numbers availablehttps://zoom.us/u/baUvqe3Mk