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Welcome to the Data Use Community (DUC)!

The DUC was built to leverage the expertise in clinical care, systems, policy, and data reuse and analysis, along with the field experience available across implementing agencies, ministries, and implementing partners, to create a peer support network of interested practitioners. The DUC’s initial focus is on guidance regarding approaches for enhancing continuity of treatment and interruption in treatment.  We propose to then extend this tested approach to address other evolving priorities that can only be addressed through individual patient-level data.

The DUC will operate in a collaborative and iterative way to support Ministries of Health and country implementers.

The DUC is initially working towards the following goals:

  • Be initiated with founding members with relevant clinical expertise for HIV prevention, treatment, and care, informatics, and data science.
  • Consolidate best practices, drawn from country experience, to a generally applicable and context-specific approach to improve continuity of treatment and reduce interruption in treatment, with specific attention to the data and systems approach.
  • Ensure field experience sharing, improve interagency coordination and collaboration, and integrate group efforts to support program goals.

titleJoin Us!

If you are interested in joining, feel free to join our mailing list on our website. Also, feel free to contact if you have any questions.


Monthly Outlook of Upcoming Meetings of the Data Use Community

The DUC hosts multiple meetings that are open for all to participate and contribute to the work! We will update the below table with these upcoming calls and their relevant details. Follow the community forum for updates on upcoming meetings!

Summaries, recordings, and meeting materials from DUC Calls are posted to this wiki page.

Zoom Connection Details

Join from computer or mobile:

Meeting ID: 828 2453 9607                     Password: 1

Meeting TitleSession Overview

Get to Know Save the DUCDate

Tuesday Thursday February 21March 9

8-9-10 :30 am EST; 1-2-3 :30 pm UTC; 2-3-4 :30 pm WAT; 4-5-6 :30 pm EAT

The DUC will host this event for those that are new to or less familiar with the DUC! During this meeting our team will provide an overview of the community, share ways to engage and work completed so far, and also answer participant questions. If you are an existing member of the DUC or are already familiar with the community we ask you share this meeting notice with colleagues who may have an interest in the work of this community!Save the Date...

Patient Identity Management Collaborative Session

Wednesday – February 22March 29

8-9:30 am EST; 1-2:30 pm UTC; 2-3:30 pm WAT; 4-5:30 pm EAT

The Data Use Community is hosting the first Patient Identity Management monthly meeting of 2023 on February 22nd. Community members will present their experiences with policy impacting patient identity management.

The goals for this 1.5 hour session are:

  • To provide space for peer learning on patient identity management policy. 
  • To build community linkages between teams working on patient identity management.
  • To begin to gather common practices, challenges and experiences to be documented in the Patient Identity Management Toolkit

    Save the Date..

    Please use the community virtual forumspace for discussion on this topic before and after the meeting.

    title2022 Year-In-Review

    View file
    nameDUC Visual Summary.pdf

    Visit our website to sign up for information regarding the Data Use Community (DUC)!


    Children Display

    Upcoming Conferences and Events

    Come connect with the DUC! We will be sending representatives to conferences and events soon!

    Shareable Message on the DUC

    Do you want to share the DUC with your network? Check out the shareable message below to copy-and-paste to your peers and colleagues.

    titleExpand to View the Shareable Message


    I wanted to reach out and share the Data Use Community (DUC) with you! The DUC is a network made up of organizations and individuals currently focusing on guidance regarding approaches for enhancing treatment continuity. 

    I have recently joined this community and thought it would interest you as well. Here are a few ways to start contributing:

    I hope we can attend the next meeting together! 


    Archive: Former DUC Meetings

    As the DUC was beginning to host regular community touch points, we scheduled meetings on a monthly basis along with follow-up calls. As the DUC grew and progressed in their efforts, it became clear these monthly meetings were no longer needed to sustain the work and connection of the community. We now host meetings throughout the month as needed, as it works for community members, and on topics that are timely for the work.

    titleExpand to view descriptions of these calls

    Monthly Community Meetings

    The monthly community meetings are the heart of the Data Use Community. This was the original meeting point where the whole community could to come together to discuss and hear the work of this making efforts in-country on data use, HIV prevention and the efforts within the HIV treatment cycle. Each month had a different focus that will be advertised as soon as possible.

    DUC Debriefs

    The DUC Debriefs were informal sessions, facilitated by the secretariat team to allow for additional collaboration and follow-up conversation on that month's community meeting topic(s).