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The Network

The eHP Knowledge Network is comprised of professionals around the globe who contribute to development, support, and sustaining health information systems and technology including:

  • Developers
  • Business/Systems Analysts
  • Project Managers & Administrators
  • Care Providers
  • Systems Administrators

Community Hub for Network Resources

Learning • Sharing • Connecting 

Join this new learning space for eHealth professionals. eHealth professionals across the globe experience similar limitations and share a need for resources to overcome them. While there is a great variety of training resources available, they can be difficult to access, or not relevant enough.

Join by participating or contributing to any number of resources:

  • Knowledge sharing activities
  • Promoting existing global goods resources
  • Cooperatively developing new training resources.

Join the mailing list! (coming soon)

Don't forget to sign-up to join our mailing list to receive timely updates and resources to help reach your goals and stay connected to the community!

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Relevant content and topics will be featured in activities, workshops, and presentations based upon learning community interest and input.

The proposed topics of discussion for this community are Business Analysis, Systems Development Lifecycle and Change Management, Software Quality Assurance and Testing, as well as IT Infrastructure and Operations. These topics can evolve based upon community interest and needs. These four areas of focus support Health Information Exchange and otehr functions that allow for health data use.

Schedule of Activities

The eHP Knowledge will host calls on the 2nd Tuesday of every other month beginning February 2024. Please see below for tentative schedule of events and keep an eye on your email for additional events or updates to the schedule!

  • 13 February 2024
    8-9 am ET / 1-2 pm UTC / 3-4 pm SAST / 4-5 pm EAT / 9-10 pm PST

  • 9 April 2024
    9-10 am ET / 1-2 pm UTC / 3-4 pm SAST / 4-5 pm EAT / 9-10 pm PST

  • 11 June 2024
    9-10 am ET / 1-2 pm UTC / 3-4 pm SAST / 4-5 pm EAT / 9-10 pm PST

  • 13 August 2024
    9-10 am ET / 1-2 pm UTC / 3-4 pm SAST / 4-5 pm EAT / 9-10 pm PST

  • 8 October 2024
    9-10 am ET / 1-2 pm UTC / 3-4 pm SAST / 4-5 pm EAT / 9-10 pm PST