Versions Compared


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  1. There is a core team and then there is others that will come in with their own money
  2. We want to focus on the underserved
  3. Learn by doing - standard evolves from practice
  4. Build a collection of organizations with some skin in the game“Have an anchor and control it”

Short Term (1-3yrs)

  • development stakeholders (e.g., System integrators, solution providers)

      development process documented


      technical roadmap process defined and public


      governance for component communities


      sub-community charter and dependency lists


      sub-community leaders


      IP statement and review


      system design document


      reference implementation w/ plug n play

  • implementation stakeholders: System integrators, solution providers.

      provide and educate people about opportunities


      best practices guidelines


      document samples and examples


      reference implementations lessons learned

  • end-user stakeholders:

      educate them on the value prop


      case studies


      rules of engagement - how to get involved, stages of engagement, feeds measurement


      get assessment of needs, values and readiness


      express fundamentals of participation


      express technology deliverables


      create a number of end-user groups - community of practice (e.g, discussion forums, meetings, implementors conference)

  • competitors stakeholders:

      create a more concise list of competitors


      create a short list of prime competitors (list of 3-5)


      engage with/visit prime competitors - bring them in as collaborators


      mind share / collaborate with competitors


      make a clear definition of what a competitor is for OHIE

Medium Term (3-5yrs)


    development stakeholders:


    implementation stakeholders:


      at least one unanticipated use of OpenHIE components


      provide means for opportunities


      university /  innovations program


    end-user stakeholders:


    competitors stakeholders:



  •  implementation outsourced “self serve”
  •  reusable license
  •  franchise - the approach/process
  •  defined process
  •  implementation guide for each of the HIE components as well as a full “HIE implementation guide”
  •  grow attendance on community calls
  •  development stakeholders:
  •  implementation stakeholders:
    •  certification to differentiate
  •  end-user stakeholders:
  •  competitors stakeholders:


Measurement of Success

  • goals lead back to our mission

  • each goal will have a measurement of success

  • have one single measurement

  • have a third party reporting on in country implementation

  • implementing at depth in three - at scale in three

  • dominance in mind share, press, and the hearts of people (e.g, column inches by reference implementation, satisfaction by early adopters, relationship selling) - to be active or reactive?