Versions Compared


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 Q1 (Jan-Mar)Q2 (Apr-Jun)Q3 (Jul-Sep)Q4 (Oct-Dec)
Reference application development 

Ensure full conformance to following IHE profiles:

  • MHD
  • PIXm
  • PDQm
  • ATNA
Documentation Supporting documentation    
Design Workflows


Implement new workflows in reference implementation


Laboratory test new workflows




 Q1 (Jan-Mar)Q2 (Apr-Jun)Q3 (Jul-Sep)Q4 (Oct-Dec)
Reference application development

Version 3.4.0 released on 23rd March

This is a new minor release of the OpenHIM. This release contains the following:

  • Large transaction that are updated via the API can now be truncated
  • Fix some weird numbers in transaction reporting
  • Node v4 and above in now required
  • Conflict detection between clients and role names
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

See a full list of changes here.




Version 4.0.0.due for release before end of December2017

This minor OpenHIM release will contain:

  • Update node to version 9
  • Update Travis autodeploy
  • Remove unnecessary dependencies that broke with Node upgrade
  • Add HTTP Channel type method selector feature
  • Add Audit-trail for changes to the endpoints
Documentation   Version 4.0.0. documentation due for release on Readthedocs before the end of December 2017. This will include updated and expanded Implementers Guide and Specifications.


 Q1 (Jan-Mar)Q2 (Apr-Jun)Q3 (Jul-Sep)Q4 (Oct-Dec)
Reference application development

Version 1.5.0 released on 16th Feb

This is a new minor release of the OpenHIM with a number of key changes:

  • The OpenHIM will now audit certain actions that a user takes. Audits are generated when other audit logs are viewed and when the OpenHIM service starts and stops.
  • A logs API is now accessible to query view server logs. This is used in the console to display server logs.
  • Improved mediator config framework. Map datatype is now supports as well as grouping parameters into structures. Arrays are also now supported. See here for details.
  • A new internal events processing mechanism.
  • You can now audit to an external source


  • A critical TCP and TLS audit receiver bug that was discovered at the 2016 IHE connectathon.
  • Channels may now be given a specific priority for matching.
  • Routes within a channel may now be enabled and disabled on demand.
  • A 'forgot your password' function.
  • Improved documentation
  • Many other improvements and bug fixes

    Version 2.0.0 released on 2nd June 2016.

    This is a new release of the OpenHIM
    with some important breaking changes .Breaking changes:including

    • Revised authorisation system. Channel matching is now a separate process to determine a clients authorisation to use that channel. This enables channels to match a request but still deny the client access if they do not have authorisation to use that channel. Channel priority has also been introduced which enables users to set which channels should be matched first if there are collisions on matches.
    • Default mediator channels are now not added
      automatically, they must be installed manually
      via the API or console. This give the user
      better control of how mediators act.
    • The OpenHIM now trusts the common
      rootCAs when verifying a clients certificate , so it means that self signed certificates aren't required for clients.

    Other changes:

    • Polling channels may now be run manually via the API
    • Improved test reliability
    • Updated dependancies
    • Various improvements and bug fixes

    Version 3.1.0 released on 12th September 2016.

    .This is a new major release of the OpenHIM. Here is some of stuff we added:

    • A new visualizer API for creating, storing and sharing visualisers with other users
    • Large transaction request and response bodies can now be truncated to prevent massive abounts of data being loaded on large requests
    • Now logs connection error so that users have a better understanding where errors are occurring
    • Adds support for automatically retrying transaction that fail due to a connection error
    • Various bug fixes and performance enhancments

    For a full list of changes see here

    Version 3.0.0 released on 2nd August 2016.

    This is a new breaking change release of the OpenHIM. Here is what we have added and changed:

    • The metrics API has been rewritten and is now more powerful
    • The event API has been updated and now there is no need for a separate visualiser API, everything runs off the events API.
    • Added a new metadata API for import and exporting OpenHIM metadata
    • Add ability for channels to forward Authorization header
    • Add support for password field in mediator config
    • Various bug fixes and performance enhancements

    For a full list of changes see here

    Version 3.3.1 released on18th November .

    Includes a minor packaging fix.

    Version 3.3.0 released on18th November .

    This is a new minor release of the OpenHIM. This release contains the following:

  • Revised email config to allow more nodemailer options to be utilised (see here for details)
  • Fixed migration of older visualiser configs
  • Fixed router timeout when set by environment variable

    To see all changes, click here

    Version 3.2.1 released on1st November .

     This is a new minor release of the OpenHIM, here's what changed:

  • Certificates can now be watched from the file system if you choose to manage certificates externally
  • Polling channels now run at the correct time time according to the server
  • The keystore can now be exported via the API
  • Transaction bodies will now be truncated if they exceed the size that we can store in mongo


    See a full list of changes here

    2015 Roadmap

     Q1 (Jan-Mar) 2015Q2 (Apr-Jun) 2015Q2 Q3 (Jul-Sep) 2015Q3 Q4 (Oct-Dec) 2015
    Workflow development
    • Discuss and design the ICP interaction workflow (see ICP white paper)
    • Alerting transaction - triggered by ICP perhaps
    • PDQm adaption to v2
    • How does the TS fit into the IL workflows
    • Consent management
    • How to better describe the IL services - do we need more detailed component architectures? (some of hidden transaction eg ATNA, consent)
    • Discuss and design the ICP interaction workflow (see ICP white paper)
    • Alerting transaction - triggered by ICP perhaps
    • PDQm adaption to v2
    • How does the TS fit into the IL workflows
    • Consent management
    • How to better describe the IL services - do we need more detailed component architectures? (some of hidden transaction eg ATNA, consent)
    • Discuss ODD Support
    • Discuss MHD support
    • Discuss ADX support
    • Discuss basic privacy and consent support
    Reference application development 

    Version 1.2 released on 30th April

    See release notes here

    Version 1.3 released on 20th July

    see release notes here

    Improved documentation for mediators and enhanced repository - due 30th September

    IHE Connectathon preparation
    Documentation  Focus on documentation to make it easier to get started with mediators 
    Laboratory testing of workflow / reference application    


    2014 Roadmap

     Q1 (Jan-Mar) 2014Q2 (Apr-Jun) 2014Q3 (Jul-Sep) 2014Q4 (Oct-Dec) 2014Q1 (Jan-Mar) 2015
    Workflow development
    • Discuss and design the ICP interaction workflow
    • What does the IL need to do for OpenHIE version 1
    • Discuss and design the ICP interaction workflow (see ICP white paper)
    • Alerting transaction - triggered by ICP perhaps
    • Should the arch decouple the content to the transport
    • Discuss and design the ICP interaction workflow (see ICP white paper)
    • Alerting transaction - triggered by ICP perhaps
    • PDQm adaption to v2
    • How does the TS fit into the IL workflows
    • Consent management
    • How to better describe the IL services - do we need more detailed component architectures? (some of hidden transaction eg ATNA, consent)
    Reference application development
    • Refine OpenHIM core engine
    • Refine OpenHIM web management console
    • Develop mediator plug-in architecture
    • Develop mediator base scaffolding
    • Update save encounter mediator
    • Build support for secure sockets in the reference application
    Laboratory testing of workflow / reference application



    • Begin deploying new OpenHIM core to RHIE preprod and other RSA work preprod
    • Deploy to OpenHIE demo server