2022 12, 30 14, 25Oct: 10, 28Sept: 12 - CANCELD , 30Aug: 8, 26Jul: 11, 29Jun: 13, 24May: 9, 27Patient-Level Data Repository Workshop; April 22, May 6Apr: 11, 29 (CANCELED due to workshop)
Mar: 14, 25Feb: 14, 25Jan: 10 (CANCELED), 28Click to expand:
Expand |
- Dec: 13
- Nov: 8, 26 (CANCELED)
- Oct: 11 (CANCELED), 29
- Sept: 13, 24
- Aug: 9, 27 (CANCELED)
- Jul: 12, 30
- Jun: 14, 25
- May: 10, 28 (CANCELED)
- Apr: 12, 30 (CANCELED)
- Mar: 8, 26
- Feb: 26
- Feb: 4, 5, 8 (Architecture Virtual Summit)
- Jan: 11, 29
Expand |
- Dec: 14, 25 (Canceled)
- Nov: 9, 27(Canceled)
- Oct: 12, 30
- Sept: 14, 25
- Aug: 10, 28
- Jul: 13, 31
- Jun: 8, 26
- May: 11, 29
- Apr: 13(Canceled) , 24 (Canceled)
- Mar: 9, 27
- Feb: 10, 28
- Jan: 13, 31
Expand |
- Dec: 9, 27 (Canceled)
- Nov: 3 (face-to-face), 11 (Canceled) , 29 (Canceled)
- Oct: 14, 25 (Canceled)
- Sep: 9, 27
- Aug: 12, 30
- Jul: 8, 26
- Jun: 10, 28
- May: 13, 31
- Apr: 8, 26
- Mar: 11, 29
- Feb: 11, 22
- Jan: 14, 25
Expand |
- Dec: 10, 28 (CANCELLED)
- Nov: 12 (canceled), 30
- Oct: 8, 26
- Sep: 10, 28
- Aug: 13, 31
- Jul: 9, 27 - Cancelled
- Jun: 11, 29
- May: 14, 25
- Apr: 9, 27
- Mar: 12, 30
- Feb: 12, 23
- Jan: 8, 26
Expand |
- Dec: 11, 29 (Canceled)
- Nov: 13, 24 (Canceled)
- Oct: 9, 27
- Sep: 11, 29
- Aug: 14, 25 (Cancelled)
- Jul: 10, 28
- Jun: 12, 30
- May: 8, 26 (Canceled)
- Apr: 10, 28
- Mar: 13, 31 (Canceled)
- Feb: 13, 24
- Jan: 9, 27
Expand |
- Dec: 12, 30 (Canceled - end of year holidays)
- Nov: 14 (Canceled-AMIA), 25 (Canceled - US Thanksgiving Holiday)
- Oct: 10, 28
- Sep: 12 (Canceled) , 30
- Aug: 8, 26
- Jul: 11, 29
- Jun: 13, 24
- May: 9, 27
- Apr: 11, 29
- Mar: 14, 25
- Feb: 8, 26
- Jan: 11, 29 (Canceled)
Expand |
Panel |
- Dec: 14, 25 (Cancelled)
- Nov: 9 (Cancelled), 27 (Cancelled)
- Oct: 12, 30
- Sep: 14, 25
- Aug: 10, 25-27 (out of cycle virtual meetings), 28
- Jul: 13, 31
- Jun: 8, 26
- May: 11, 29
- Apr: 13, 24 (Cancelled)
- Mar: 9, 27
- Feb: 9, 27
- Jan: 12, 30
Expand |
Panel |
- Dec: 8, 26 (cancelled)
- Nov: 10, 28 (cancelled)
- Oct: 13, 31
- Sep: 8, 12, 26
- Aug: 11, 29
- Jul: 14, 25
- Jun: 9, 27
- May: 12, 30
- Apr: 14, 25
- Mar: 10, 28
- Feb: 10 (cancelled)
- Jan: 13
Expand |
Panel |
- December: 9
- November: 11
- October: 14
- September: 9
Info |
To view call agendas and minutes click on the date. |
Architecture Resources:
Info |
title | Architecture Discussion Outcomes |
All architecture topics which have reached consensus by the community can be found |
as a child page under OpenHIE Architecture & Standards.
Info |
For links to specific subcommunity resources check out the Subcommunities space |
twice ;Every second Monday (excluding holidays) from 10:00 - 11:00 AM Eastern TimeEvery last Friday (excluding holidays) from (See the calendar on the left):
- 10:00 - 11:00 AM Eastern Time
- regardless of whether standard or daylight saving time is being observed. *(see other time zones)
DescriptionThe OpenHIE Architecture & Standards calls were created for members of OpenHIE and its SUB to discuss cross-cutting technical issues about how components work with one another and the affect they have on our health information exchange. Please visit https://discourse.ohie.org to join the conversation.
Call Agendas and Minutes
- Dec: 12, 30
- Nov: 14, 25
- Oct: 10, 28
- Sept: 12, 30
- Aug: 8, 26
- Jul: 11, 29
- Jun: 13, 24
- May: 9, 27
- Apr: 11, 29
- Mar: 14, 25
- Feb: 14, 25
- Jan: 10 (CANCELED), 28
Click to expand:
Expand |
- Dec: 13
- Nov: 8, 26 (CANCELED)
- Oct: 11 (CANCELED), 29
- Sept: 13, 24
- Aug: 9, 27 (CANCELED)
- Jul: 12, 30
- Jun: 14, 25
- May: 10, 28 (CANCELED)
- Apr: 12, 30 (CANCELED)
- Mar: 8, 26
- Feb: 26
- Feb: 4, 5, 8 (Architecture Virtual Summit)
- Jan: 11, 29
Expand |
- Dec: 14, 25 (Canceled)
- Nov: 9, 27(Canceled)
- Oct: 12, 30
- Sept: 14, 25
- Aug: 10, 28
- Jul: 13, 31
- Jun: 8, 26
- May: 11, 29
- Apr: 13(Canceled) , 24 (Canceled)
- Mar: 9, 27
- Feb: 10, 28
- Jan: 13, 31
Expand |
- Dec: 9, 27 (Canceled)
- Nov: 3 (face-to-face), 11 (Canceled) , 29 (Canceled)
- Oct: 14, 25 (Canceled)
- Sep: 9, 27
- Aug: 12, 30
- Jul: 8, 26
- Jun: 10, 28
- May: 13, 31
- Apr: 8, 26
- Mar: 11, 29
- Feb: 11, 22
- Jan: 14, 25
Expand |
- Dec: 10, 28 (CANCELLED)
- Nov: 12 (canceled), 30
- Oct: 8, 26
- Sep: 10, 28
- Aug: 13, 31
- Jul: 9, 27 - Cancelled
- Jun: 11, 29
- May: 14, 25
- Apr: 9, 27
- Mar: 12, 30
- Feb: 12, 23
- Jan: 8, 26
Expand |
- Dec: 11, 29 (Canceled)
- Nov: 13, 24 (Canceled)
- Oct: 9, 27
- Sep: 11, 29
- Aug: 14, 25 (Cancelled)
- Jul: 10, 28
- Jun: 12, 30
- May: 8, 26 (Canceled)
- Apr: 10, 28
- Mar: 13, 31 (Canceled)
- Feb: 13, 24
- Jan: 9, 27
Expand |
- Dec: 12, 30 (Canceled - end of year holidays)
- Nov: 14 (Canceled-AMIA), 25 (Canceled - US Thanksgiving Holiday)
- Oct: 10, 28
- Sep: 12 (Canceled) , 30
- Aug: 8, 26
- Jul: 11, 29
- Jun: 13, 24
- May: 9, 27
- Apr: 11, 29
- Mar: 14, 25
- Feb: 8, 26
- Jan: 11, 29 (Canceled)
Expand |
Panel |
- Dec: 14, 25 (Cancelled)
- Nov: 9 (Cancelled), 27 (Cancelled)
- Oct: 12, 30
- Sep: 14, 25
- Aug: 10, 25-27 (out of cycle virtual meetings), 28
- Jul: 13, 31
- Jun: 8, 26
- May: 11, 29
- Apr: 13, 24 (Cancelled)
- Mar: 9, 27
- Feb: 9, 27
- Jan: 12, 30
Expand |
Panel |
- Dec: 8, 26 (cancelled)
- Nov: 10, 28 (cancelled)
- Oct: 13, 31
- Sep: 8, 12, 26
- Aug: 11, 29
- Jul: 14, 25
- Jun: 9, 27
- May: 12, 30
- Apr: 14, 25
- Mar: 10, 28
- Feb: 10 (cancelled)
- Jan: 13
Expand |
Panel |
- December: 9
- November: 11
- October: 14
- September: 9
Info |
To view call agendas and minutes click on the date. |
Info |
title | Architecture Discussion Outcomes |
All architecture topics which have reached consensus by the community can be found as a child page under OpenHIE Architecture & Standards. |
Info |
For links to specific subcommunity resources check out the Subcommunities space CLICK HERE |
Calls are held twice a month;
- Every second Monday (excluding holidays) from 10:00 - 11:00 AM Eastern Time
- Every last Friday (excluding holidays) from 10:00 - 11:00 AM Eastern Time
regardless of whether standard or daylight saving time is being observed. *(see other time zones)
The OpenHIE Architecture & Standards calls were created for members of OpenHIE and its SUB to discuss cross-cutting technical issues about how components work with one another and the affect they have on our health information exchange. Please visit https://discourse.ohie.org to join the conversation.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://iu.zoom.us/j/832179402?pwd=SHAzL1kwTmcyYm1PdkdzNVNLNUZ6dz09
Or Telephone: Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 832 179 402 Passcode: 1
The calls are designed to get input from various community perspectives.
- SubCommunity Alignment Calls will focus on sharing topics and information across various sub communities.
- HIE Project Sharing Session will focus on hearing about the use cases and data exchange patterns from various projects.
- The Architecture Summit calls are designed to gather input from the whole community.
- Architecture and Standards Meeting calls are designed to allow for community members to bring forward topics related to data exchange and standards.
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/c1Vz5ASHm