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Below you can find documents pertaining to the Community Meetings for the DUC.

2024 Meeting types:

21 November 2024

Patient Identity Management

Identity Management Collaborative Session: Uganda

 Uganda shared their experience using PIM, specifically on how they implement PIM, the challenges faced, lessons learned, and recommendations.

30 October 2024

Patient Identity Management

Identity Management Collaborative Session: Corte D’ Ivoire

The Corte D’ Ivoire shared their experiences of the implementation of PIM, including current processes, solutions, challenges, lessons learned, and future directions

23 October 2024

Identifying & Resolving Data Issues

Identifying & Resolving Data Issues: Kenya

This was a follow up meeting from September 12 call centered on Identifying and Resolving data issues and Kenya’s approach

On September 12, representatives from The CDC, Kenya, the Kenyan MOH, HealthStrat and Palladium presented on their collaborative journey to improve data quality within their current processes while moving towards digitization of systems in Kenya. We continued our community discussion with a brief overview of Kenya’s experience and deeper dive into the Framework for Identifying and Resolving Data Issues based on Kenya's process. The community discussed and provided feedback around the tools and interventions used at various gates in the data workflow to identify and resolve data issues. 

9 October 2024

Treatment Continuity

Kenya Data Protection Act

Explored Kenya’s Digital Health Revolution: Insights into the new Digital Health Act, its Impact on Data Governance, and the challenges and lessons learned along the way.
25 September 2024

Patient Identity Management

Identity Management Collaborative Session: Nigeria ExperienceWe continued to discuss what work countries are doing around patient identity management. This month focused on the work Nigeria is doing. 

The PHIS3 team helped us understand the context in which they have implemented a fingerprint-based patient identity solution for HIV/TB patients. We also learned how this approach supports health data integrity and access. This call helped community members understand the current process and performance of the PHIS3 identity management solution as well as the scope of the national identification number (NIN) and plan to incorporate NIN into PIM in Nigeria. Lastly, we discussed strategies for optimizing PHIS3's health identity framework. Topics included data quality assessment methods, approaches to match performance evaluation, and privacy-preserving record linkage.
12 September 2024

Identifying & Resolving Data Issues

Data Use Community: Data QualityA kick off discussion on data quality. Dr. Davies O. Kimanga, MD, Msc shared Kenya’s journey with data quality and we began forming a framework for sharing best practices in data management to optimize data quality.
28 August 2024Patient Identity Management Identity Management Collaborative Session: Uruguay ExperienceCollaborative call where will continued to discuss what work countries are doing around patient identity management. During this session we learned about the success and challenges from Uruguay! Uruguay has had patient matching in place for several years and they shared their journey to scale and sustain a country-wide patient matching strategy.
31 July 2024 Patient Identity Management Identity Management Collaborative Session: Zambia ExperienceDuring this 90 minute session, the community continued the conversations on Patient Identity Management. Chisanga Siwale & Muya Mwansa with the Ministry of Health in Zambia presented on Zambia's patient identity management experiences. The presentation addressed various aspects of Zambia's health information systems. Key points included the current integration between Electronic Health Records (EHR) and laboratory data, with unique IDs linking lab results back to client records. Challenges driving the focus on creating a client registry include high rates of duplicate records, with estimates ranging from 10% to 33%. Discussions have been initiated with the Ministry of Home Affairs to integrate their Integrated National Registration Information System (INRIS) with health data, but progress is slow due to national issues. The Central Repository (CR) is planned to expand beyond lab data to include a Shared Health Record (SHR), but implementation depends on establishing standards and overcoming capacity issues. Software options for the CR include JEMPI, OpenHIM, and OpenCR. There are ongoing efforts to leverage tools like eLIS for deduplication and to assess the functionality of integrated systems. Current data submission processes involve Smartcare and web interfaces, with deduplication efforts planned at the national level. Advocating for enforcing the National ID number linked to payment for care was also suggested.
29 May 2024Patient Identity ManagementIdentity Management Collaborative Session: Tanzania ExperienceSosthenes Bagumhe & Kizito Mrema presented on Tanzania's National Health Client Registry. The discussion dove into the e-health strategy, notably spotlighting the implementation of the National Health Client Registry (NHCR). Established in collaboration with the CDC through MDH and MSH from 2018 to 2021, the NHCR operates without a singular patient identifier but employs unique identifiers, with widespread utilization across Tanzanian districts and integration with various health programs like immunization. Functionally, the NHCR registers clients, conducts deduplication and matching, resolves conflicts, and incorporates biometrics and identification authorities such as NIDA. Governance structures ensure system functionality and leadership at all health levels, while tools like Medic-CR, an open-source system, are employed. Privacy and security measures, including consent and resolution processes in the presence of clients, are rigorously maintained. Sustainability is ensured through sector-wide registry creation, technological leverage, and staff capacity building. Key lessons include the avoidance of siloed systems, the necessity of active CR service for effective electronic health record (EHR) integration, and mentorship to foster interoperability. During the Q&A, technical inquiries range from JSON usage to NHCR operational insights, while discussions extend to the potential future need for a dedicated CR and lessons from advanced countries, highlighting collaborative data-sharing patterns and international best practices.
9 May 2024Treatment Continuity

DUC Treatment Continuity: Zimbabwe Experience

the Organization for Public Health Interventions &Development (OPHID) team from Zimbabwe shared about their work using data/technology to support individuals currently within a HIV treatment continuity gap to return to services, specifically including activities such as Intensive outreach interventions & Targeted adherence (fitting interventions to individuals to get them back to care).

24 April 2024Patient Identity Management

Identity Management Collaborative Session: Rwanda Experience

Chief Digital Officer of Rwanda Ministry of Health, Sylvere Mugumya, joined this session & shared where Rwanda is currently at in their identity management HIE implementation journey. Rwanda uses national ID number to identity patients within the system. They are able to query this system to search for a matching record & pull the information for patients. This has greatly improved the speed of their registration process, but still has challenges ensuring all records contain complete & accurate information and are not duplicates. Rwanda is currently at the phase of focusing on interoperability between facilities to ensure adequate sharing of patient records while also maintaining privacy & security. Rwanda has taken great care to ensure personal identifying information privacy is maintained through an authentication process with the EMR.   

11 April 2024Treatment Continuity

DUC Treatment Continuity: Transient populations

This meeting was focused on managing health data for transient/cross-border populations: challenges and solutions. The discuss centered on those who manage patients who are transient, receiving some of their care at external facilities, or receiving care across borders.

During this session we heard community members in Malawi & Zambia share examples of how they are dealing with transient patient populations, the challenges faced,  and how data or technology interventions have been or could be applied to improve patient care in these contexts.

27 March 2024Patient Identity Management

Identity Management Collaborative Session: Botswana Experience

During this Collaborative Identity Management session community members connected on patient identity management efforts. During this 60 minute session, the community heard from colleagues in Botswana about their implementations of a client registry and how that fits in their health information exchange. 

1 February 2024Community Meeting

Annual Planning for 2024

This was the 2024 kickoff meeting to collaboratively plan our community priorities & sessions for the new year. This 1-hour virtual meeting involved a quick summary of activities from 2023 & a collaborative session where participants shared suggestions for the Data Use Community in 2024. Prior to this meeting, we invited all community members to share their thoughts in the annual survey & read the 2023 Data Use Community review

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