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**We can dial in any participants who are not able to connect through Skype or one of the above numbers, please email 24 hours in advance to be dialed in.
Angad Dhindsa (MEASURE Evaluation)
Manish Kumar (MEASURE Evaluation)
Jamie Thomas (Regenstrief)
Jennifer Shivers (Regenstrief)
Amy St. Pierre (CDC)
Denise Johnson (MEASURE Evaluation)
Vlad Shioshvili (MEASURE Evaluation)
Saad Khan (USAID)
Stacey Berlow (MEASURE Evaluation)
Dana Juthe (OGAC - PwC)
Mark Wilson(CDC)
Jason Pickering (HISP/UiO)
Dinesh Ganesan(USAID)
Michael Mwebaze (MEASURE EValuation/JSI)
Andreea Bealle (CDC)
James Kariuki (CDC)
Jhonson Charles (Palladium Group/MEASURE Evaluation)
Ismail Yusuf Koleleni (UDSM/HISP Tz)
Share updated data import reference guide
Access to data import reference guide on DATIM helpdesk
PEPFAR Q1 Data Entry to DATIM
Open discussion
Call focused on Data import.
Next call is on 1/20 and is focused on the SIMS data stream.
Share updated data import reference guide
Jason - have been working on improvements to the data import reference guide.
Most people have not seen the guide, here is a link to the older version of the guidance. The updated version will be shared soon -
At the moment the data import reference guide requires a log-in to DATIM to access. However, the support team is working to make it public.
It has been challegning to determine how technical to be in the guide. Knowledge on what programming languages individuals are using and if they are still using excel is still in development.
The support team is seeking feedback on the reference guide on additional content that is needed and what needs users have.
Stacey Berlow - how does this link in with the data exchange informational guides. Jason - at the moment we are focusing on the import of files from OUs.
Saad - it is appreciated that the guide is not too long. It is also good that it is easy to pick up and start working with. Is there any capacitiy for just-in-time help for users who are getting more advanced in the dev process?
Mark Wilson - questions on SIMS - Denise: I recommend sending questions on SIMS to the mailing list in advance of the call focused on the SIMS community next week.
It is important to refer to calendar quarter when talking to the helpdesk - not the PEPFAR quarter. - this can be added to the guide
Another item that can be added to the guide is on the data validation. The new guide will include a link to various libraries external to the guide itself
DATIM itself is not the source of information for mechanisms - that comes from FACTSInfo. Confirming the mechanisms with FACTSinfo can be done well in advance of preparing the data for import.
Denise and Jason can work on a one-pager sharing the difference between data exchange and data import.
Access to data import reference guide on DATIM helpdesk