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Denise - No meetings the next two Wednesday's. Next call January 6th - Umbrella call, agenda will go out to the mailing list.
SIMS sample ADX and DXF messages: Vlad/Annah
Sample ADX and DXF messages sent via email from Angad. Also availible on this page by clicking the tools button on the top right of this page and going to attachments.
Naming convention that is being used in the data exchange code list - would need to reference back to the SIMS specific codes
Will be publishing a more detailed data dictionary.
Periods use the XML format. For SIMS 2.0 it will try to identify data by dates.
SIMS has two period formats - periods of the SIMS vist and the assessment period.
Cover sheet data is being finalized - hard date of the 12/18. If the DATIM Data Exchange group needs to make any changes how would this happen? Mary will follow up and insure that the DATIM Data Exchange group does a line review of the SIMS data.
Input will be provided by the 18th
No restriction on amount of data sent at once through the ADX message - as long as the data is under 1 GB the server should we able to handle it.
Will there be an acknowledgement sent to the user that will give feedback on how many records were imported/updated/ignored
Will let you know which values were not sucessfuly imported
Moving towards ADX as being the standard - would like developers to start getting prepared for this using the samples.