Purpose of this documentation
Is to help systems administrators support and maintain the script for installing the OHIE stack: "How to install DATIM4U OHIE Stack"
General References
Preliminary Requirements
- Add your `id_rsa.pub` ssh key to launchpad
- Navigate to https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys
- copy and paste your public key into the prompt
to output your public key into the terminal run the following command:
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Setup Vagrant
- References
Install packages
sudo apt-get -y install virtualbox vagrant virtualbox-dkms
Install a Vagrant Box
- Use hashicorp to find a suitable box to install, like ubuntu/trusty64 at https://atlas.hashicorp.com/ubuntu/boxes/trusty64
- note, rest of development we will assume that we are using the ubuntu/trusty64 box from hashicorp
- navigate to a directory where you wish to store your vagrant configurations for this setup
mkdir /var/www/vagrant/ && cd /var/www/vagrant/
download and setup vagrant box:
vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64; vagrant up --provider virtualbox
- Use hashicorp to find a suitable box to install, like ubuntu/trusty64 at https://atlas.hashicorp.com/ubuntu/boxes/trusty64
- Create relevant provisions and vagrant settings
Open the Vagrantfile for your vagrant
nano /var/www/vagrant/Vagrantfile
Insert the following code into the Vagrant file, at the end - but before the `end` command
- Don't forget to replace the values for `your_launchpad_name`, `your_launchpad_email`, etc...
If the formatting on the code block below breaks, visit https://gist.github.com/uladkasach/81cfe5d3b879882152178f0b5c8a6ec0
config.ssh.forward_agent = true; config.vm.provision "shell" do |s| your_launchpad_name = "Launchpad Name"; your_launchpad_email = "launchpademail@provider.com"; your_launchpad_username = "launchpadusername"; your_gpg_password = "a_gpg_password"; your_git_email = "yourgitemail@provider.com"; your_git_username = "gitusername"; s.inline = <<-SHELL echo "##########################"; echo Beginning provisioning of packaging environment setup.; echo "##########################"; echo For launchpad: echo Using #{your_launchpad_name} as your name, echo Using #{your_launchpad_email} as your email, echo Using #{your_launchpad_username} as your username... echo For git: echo Using #{your_launchpad_email} as your email, echo Using #{your_launchpad_username} as your username... echo "##########################"; echo Updating and Upgrading echo "##########################"; sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade; echo "##########################"; echo Installing package building packages...; echo "##########################"; sudo apt-get -y install gnupg pbuilder ubuntu-dev-tools bzr-builddeb apt-file; sudo apt-get -y install packaging-dev; # Install packaging package echo This next part may take a little while...; pbuilder-dist trusty create; echo "##########################"; echo Configuring Bazaar...; echo "##########################"; bzr whoami "#{your_launchpad_name} <#{your_launchpad_email}>"; bzr launchpad-login #{your_launchpad_username}; echo "##########################"; echo Configuring Git...; echo "##########################"; git config --global user.email "#{your_git_email}" git config --global user.name "#{your_git_username}" git config --global push.default simple echo "##########################"; echo Assigning your DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL; echo "##########################"; echo $'export DEBFULLNAME="#{your_launchpad_name}"\nexport DEBEMAIL="#{your_launchpad_email}"' >> ~/.bashrc; source ~/.bashrc; echo "##########################"; echo Creating your vagrants GPG key; echo "##########################"; sudo apt-get install rng-tools; cat > .temp_settings_file <<-SETTINGS %echo Generating a basic OpenPGP key... Key-Type: RSA Key-Length: 2048 Subkey-Type: RSA Subkey-Length: 2048 Name-Real: #{your_launchpad_name} Name-Email: #{your_launchpad_email} Expire-Date: 0 Passphrase: #{your_gpg_password} %commit %echo OpenPGP key created successfully. SETTINGS gpg --batch --gen-key .temp_settings_file; rm .temp_settings_file; echo "##########################"; echo Packaging environment successfuly provisioned [Success]. SHELL end
- Note: if you had run
vagrant up
before setting these provisions you will need to runvagrant reload --provision
to see these changes affect your vagrant.
Add a your vagrant's GPG key to Ubuntu and Launchpad
- References
- Enter your vagrant box
Note, this can take a while if this is the first time this vagrant is run or if your triggering its provisioning manually.
vagrant up; vagrant ssh;
Send the vagrant's gpg key to Ubuntu registry
Find all your vagrant's keys with
gpg --list- keys
Find the pub id
if you see an entry that looks like `pub 2048R/523053B5 2017-06-01`, `523053B5` is the pub id
Send the keys
run the following command, replacing the `<pub_key_id>` with the actual value
gpg --send-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <pub_key_id>
For example
gpg --send-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 523053B5
Verify successful transmission
The response key sending input should look like the following
gpg: sending key <pub_key_id> to hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com
You can double check that the transaction went through successfuly with the following command
gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com --search-key 'your@email.com'
Import key into launchpad
navigate to your OpenPGP keys page
get fingerprint of your key
gpg --fingerprint
- copy paste the key into the launchpad input box, press import key
- open email that launchpad sent you
decrypt the email
copy and paste the contents into a new file
nano email.gpg
decrypt the file with your key
gpg -d email.gpg
open the link contained in the decrypted email and confirm your key by pressing
You're all done. You've successfully set up your packaging environment.