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What is the eHealth Leadership Forum?

The eHLF is a peer learning group for in country leadership.

The eHealth Leadership Forum is a peer learning group for countries dealing with similar issues related to building and operationalizing eHealth strategies.

The work of eHealth Leaders is challenging on many levels, building and operationalizing eHealth strategies, while coordinating the work of governments, donors, implementers, and other interested parties. All while simultaneously trying to align this work with the goals of health leadership within the country! 

Many country-level eHealth Leaders would love to learn how their peers in other countries are dealing with similar issues. More importantly, they want to learn from each other’s successes and challenges. Fortunately, the OpenHIE Steering Committee made similar observations and this peer learning forum was launched and is supported by the OpenHIE secretariat. Based upon Forum member interest, we  host events, invite relevant experts to activities, and bring relevant content (ie, Digital Governance principles, Informatics-savvy Health Organization [ISHO] framework) to help you all work effectively with one another!

What will the “eHealth Leadership Forum” offer?


The eHLF is a collaborative mutually beneficial initiative. 

The eHealth Leadership Forum is intended to be an online, real-time chat forum shared by many of your peers where you can share your contact information, and updates with each other


. The forum meets on a monthly basis for audio/video conferences with agendas set by the participants, to allow you all space to learn from one another


. There will also be opportunities to request/invite relevant subject matter experts on topics of shared interest


. OpenHIE also plans to host sponsored in-person events during the annual OpenHIE community meetings or


other times that make sense to the participants

What do we ask from you?

Be open, and

The forum is only beneficial if members are open & come ready to share


their thoughts


& experiences within a focused, protected group of peers who are

like you Identify

alike. The OpenHIE secretariat needs help from members to identify other peers who might benefit the forum

Tell us

. lastly, the secretariat also relies on members to give insights on what would make this forum most useful for you!

Who is the eHealth Leadership Forum for?

  • Leaders within a country
  • eHealth Leaders
  • *Supported by OHIE secretariat - call logistics, hosting space for documentation, etc. 

    The EHLF is meant to be chaired & driven by its members.

    We know that leadership within countries is unique to each specific country. No matter the circumstances, we encourage those who are formally representing country leadership and helping to design eHealth strategies to reach out to the OpenHIE Secretariat.

    The OpenHIE secretariat supports call logistics and the hosting space for documentation, but topics for discussion are determined & lead by those memebers that are providing in country leadership.

    Are you interested in being a part of the Forum? Great!

    Here’s how

    Complete this form to get started:

    Join the WhatsApp group (
  • Share your full name, country, job title with the group over WhatsApp
  • Join the next discussion or a kick off event (more details to follow via WhatsApp

    (insert form for screening purposes here)

    Questions? Email:



    Past Meetings: Summaries & Recordings

    • January 19, 2023 - Sustainability
    • February  16, 2023 - brief overview on the DRC’s digital health policy framework
    • March 16, 2023 - Jean Thierry from Democratic Republic of the Congo shares work around initiatives and policies for digital health
    • June 22, 2023 - Presentation on work in Ethiopia related to architecture
    • July 20, 2023 - Presentation on Implementation work Zimbabwe
    Meeting Summaries:

    Team Calendars