- Desalegn Bekedami from iCAP-Ethiopia shared the EMR-ART system and how it traces clients who have missed their appointment. This list is shared with adherence counselors and clinicians who use color coded displays to identify patients to call with reminders.
- Ashley Sorgi from EGPAF shared the digital solutions for quality improvement (QI) and pre-appointment strategies. There was a QI evaluation on HIV care in South Africa. The QI-PM application is both a mobile and web based tool that enables EGPAF staff to track site-level QI projects overtime.
- David Mukungi and Esther Kanyang'onda from IntelliSOFT presented on eHospital, a client management module project in Kenya that ran from June 2019 to September 2019. This is an adaptation of Bahmni, is powered by OpenMRS to track patients, support clinical decisions, report and document management, support an entire facility, and is interoperable. They also shared on SSEMR, a project in South Sudan. This system connect Bahmni and syncs offline to register patients, view records, and enter patient data. This system also identifies missed appointments and viral loads as well as flag patients for the physician until they are enrolled.