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This event provides a unique opportunity for implementers to collaborate and improve their knowledge of OpenHIE, share user stories, and to propose new priorities. Too, government leaders will gather and learn from each other about approaches to designing interoperable solutions as well as governance frameworks that have been applied for health system information exchange.


July 31 - August 4, 2018 in Arusha, Tanzania

Mount Meru Hotel and Conference Centre 


*There will be on-site credit card registration at $450.



titleOHIE18 Sponsors

The OpenHIE Community Meeting is being hosted by the Government of Tanzania.

Coordination is being led by the OpenHIE Community including Regenstrief Institute, PATH and Jembi Health Systems.


Table of Contents

About the Event

The OpenHIE Community meeting at Mount Meru Hotel and Conference Centre is designed to support developers, implementers, and Government officials in fostering the advancement of OpenHIE and the support of country owned and driven, large-scale health information sharing architectures. It will serve to showcase the strategy, approach and components that pragmatically empower sustainable and standards-based sharing of health information to improve health outcomes.  The meeting will also highlight existing OpenHIE implementations and provide a platform for community learning and discussion about OpenHIE in action.

The meeting will included 3 days of sessions (July 31 - August 2) and 2 days for a Connect-a-thon (August 3-4).


  • Connect implementers with one another and with the wider network

  • Share and contribute to current OpenHIE global goods, multi-country implementation experiences, and foster wider collaboration both within Tanzania, and globally

  • Bring implementers and developers together to harmonize tool development with implementation needs

  • Provide  policy makers with an opportunity to better understand OpenHIE and its role in promoting interoperability and systems thinking

Who should attend

  • OpenHIE implementers from government, NGOs

  • Government Officials including ICT and eHealth Directors responsible for health information systems

  • Digital Health Policy Makers

  • Vertical health program implementers interested in interoperability

  • Health Information System software developers

  • Researchers

Why you should attend

This event provides a unique opportunity for implementers to collaborate and improve their knowledge of OpenHIE, share user stories, and to propose new priorities. Too, government leaders will gather and learn from each other about approaches to designing interoperable solutions as well as governance frameworks that have been applied for health system information exchange.

Conference Schedule

The OpenHIE Community Meeting agenda is structured to allow time for community members to connect, engage and learn about topics that are important to them. Sessions during the three days will be relevant for implementers looking to dive into the technical aspects of OpenHIE implementation as well as leaders who want to learn more about governance aspects of interoperability and health information exchange. In additional to pre-arranged sessions, the agenda will have several open “unconference” sessions where community members will propose presentations on topics relevant to their OpenHIE implementations. If you have ideas to propose for agenda sessions, please contact Amanda BenDor ( or Carl Fourie (

See below the outline of the agenda for the OpenHIE Community Meeting.  The agenda will be updated in the weeks before the conference.

Day 1 - “Enabling System Interoperability”

TimeLocationSession DescriptionPresenter(s)
*Please post presentation slides here
8:00 - 8:30 AMMarquee Conference RoomRegistration  
8:30 - 9:00 AMMarquee Conference RoomFormal Opening of the Meeting and Welcome Remarks

Dr Mpoki Ulisubisya, PS Tanzania MOHCDGEC

Steve Davis, CEO PATH

9:00 - 9:45 AMMarquee Conference RoomOpenHIE Conversation: A Brief History of OpenHIE and Goals of the Meeting for the OpenHIE Community

Paul Biondich, Regenstrief

Carl Fourie, Jembi Health Systems

Dykki Settle, PATH

Shaun Grannis, Regenstrief

Jennifer Shivers, Regenstrief

9:45 - 10:45 AMMarquee Conference RoomUnveiling the “Unconferencing” Approach: How to get the most out of the OpenHIE Community Meeting

Amanda BenDor, PATH

Carl Fourie, Jembi Health Systems

10:45 - 11:30 AMMarquee Conference RoomNetworking Coffee Break and "Unconference" Voting  
11:30 AM- 12:15 PMMarquee Conference Room

Implementers’ Experiences: OpenHIE in Action - Highlight how OpenHIE was used for BID Project in Tanzania

Sign up for Site Visits

Oswald Luoga, PATH

Emily Nicholson, IntraHealth International

Ally Shaban, IntraHealth International

Interoperability_BID_OpenHIE_PPT_with Diagram Mosa and Ally 31_July_2018.pptx
12:15 - 1:00 PMMarquee Conference Room

Leadership and Governance: Where to start: Exploring approaches to designing interoperable solutions (policy practices; infrastructure investments; peer networking)

Hermes Sotter, Director of ICT at the Tanzania MoHCGDEC 

Carol Kyozira, Uganda Ministry of Health HMIS Division

Digital Health Landscape in Uganda
1:00 - 2:15 PM Lunch and Group Photo  
2:15 - 3:15 PMMarquee Conference RoomLeadership and Governance: Use of OpenHIE for BID Initiative in TanzaniaHassan Mtenga, PATH 
 Tembo Meeting RoomFacilitating Data Exchange: Developing a national interoperability frameworkThomas Fogwill, South African CSIRThomas_Fogwill_Arusha_openHIE.pdf
 Faru Meeting Room "Unconference" Open Session - HIS Interoperability ToolkitManish Kumar 
3:15 - 3:45 Coffee Break and Networking  
3:45 - 4:30Marquee Conference RoomImplementers’ Experiences: DATIM Deep DiveJennifer Shivers, RegenstriefSlides
 Tembo Meeting Room"Unconference" Open Session - HacKonnect-Athon

Carl Leitner

Carl Fourie

 Faru Meeting Room "Unconference" Open Session - Introduction and Use Cases to the Terminology Services

Carol Macumber

Jonathan Payne

4:30 - 4:45 Transition Break  
4:45 - 5:30Marquee Conference RoomWrap up and reflections from the dayAmanda BenDor, PATH 
5:30 - 6:30 Software Showcases / Demo  

Day 2 - “Country-Driven Success”

TimeLocationSession DescriptionPresenter(s)


*Please post presentation slides here
8:00 - 8:30 AMMarquee Conference RoomOpening and Recap from Day 1Henry Mwanyika, PATH 
8:30 - 9:30 AMMarquee Conference RoomImplementers’ Experiences: Experience in implementing HIE at the National Level - Tanzania Story

Walter Ndesanjo - ICT Officer, Tanzania MoHCGDEC

Sultana Seif - ICT Officer, Tanzania MOHCGDEC

Erick Kitali, Director of ICT, Tanzania PORALG

TBA, Tanzania eGovernment Agency

 Tembo Meeting RoomLeadership and Governance: Cross Border HIEDr. Ahmed Bashir, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) 
 Faru Meeting Room

Leadership and Governance: Building Interoperable Solutions

Fishbowl discussion

Thomas Fogwill, CSIR

Carl Fourie, Jembi Health Systems

Pierre Dane, Jembi Health Systems

9:30 - 9:45 AM Transition Break  
9:45 - 10:45Marquee Conference Room

Implementers’ Experiences - Highlights from Ministry of Health in Ethiopia

Fekadu Wannaw, John Snow, Inc (JSI) Ethiopia's Experience Implementing an eHealth Architecture
 Tembo Meeting Room"Unconference" Open Session - Workforce Development: How to train people on HIEsBrian Dixon
View file
 Faru Meeting Room "Unconference" Open Session - Ukraine ExperienceOlegNETWORK_eHealth_Tanzania.pdf
10: 45 - 11:15 AM Coffee Break and Networking  
11:15 AM - 12:15 PMMarquee Conference RoomImplementers’ Experiences: Where there is no EMR - South African Experience  Andrew Boulle - University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa 
 Tembo Meeting Room

Implementers' Experiences: Introducing the new openHIE Health Financing towards UHC community

Alicia Spengler, GIZ

Carl Leitner, PATH

View file
nameOHIE18 Health Financing session intro.pptx
 Faru Meeting Room "Unconference" Open Session - Supply Chain sub-committeeCraig Appl 
12:15 - 12:30 PM Transition Break  
12:30 - 1:15 PMMarquee Conference RoomImplementers’ Experiences: Liberia's ongoing in-country initiatives to adopt the OpenHIE architectural framework for building the country’s HIS

Mike Mulbah, MOH LIberia

Ally Shabon, IntraHealth International

Emily Nicholson, IntraHealth International

View file
nameLiberia's Presentation - OHIE Conference 08-01-2018 - Final.pptx
 Tembo Meeting Room"Unconference" Open Session - openIMIS Tembo Meeting Room"Unconference" Open Session - openIMIS for Universal Health Coverage & National Health Insurance - a valuable use case for the openHIE framework

Alicia Spengler, GIZ

Carl Leitner, PATH

Nils Kaiser

View file
name20180801 openHIE UHC unconference session_new.pptx

Outputs of working groups

 Faru Meeting Room "Unconference" Open Session - Value Based Priorities for Data Exchange Michael Stelmach 
1:15 - 2:15 PM Lunch and Networking  
2:15 - 3:15 PMMarquee Conference RoomSESSION CANCELLED
 Tembo Meeting RoomImplementers’ Experiences: Experiences Implementing the Health Facility Registry

Diao Diallo, JSI

Bah Oury - RTI

Gretchen Moran - eHealth Africa

Pooben Dass - NHIIS South Africa

Jermiah Chienda - Kuunika

 Faru Meeting Room "Unconference" Open Session - explore Opportunities of using OpenHIE in community services referral and case managementMakunda 
3:15 - 3:45 PM Coffee Break and Networking  
3:45 - 4:45 PMMarquee Conference Room

Implementers’ Experiences: Country Sharing Roundtable - facilitated by Dykki Settle with audience Q&A

Dykki Settle (PATH) and MOH Leaders 
4:45 - 5:30 PMMarquee Conference RoomWrap up and reflections from the dayCarl Fourie, Jembi Health Systems 
Evening6pm FoyerEvening Event  


Day 3 - Innovations breaking new ground in information exchange

TimeLocationSession DescriptionPresenter(s)


*Please post presentation slides here
7:30 AM - 1:00 PM Site visits (sign up on Day 1)  
8:00 - 8:30 AMMarquee Conference RoomOpening and Recap from Day 2Wayan Vota, IntraHealth International


8:30 - 11:00FoyerTransportation leaves for Site Visits  
8:30 - 9:15 AMMarquee Conference Room

The African Health Information Exchange (Data Use Partnership) project in South Africa

Andrew Boulle, University of Cape Town

Rosemary Foster, HST

Chris Seebregts, Jembi Health Systems

View file
nameArusha OpenLHIM presentation - Aug 2018.pptx
 Tembo Meeting Room"Unconference" Open Session - eIDSR

Wayan Vota

Carl Fourie

 Faru Meeting Room "Unconference" Open Session - Indicator Reporting and Analysis

James K

Bryn R


Carl Leitner

9:15 - 9:30 AM Transition Break  
9:30 - 10:30 AMMarquee Conference Room"Unconference" Open Session - Case Based Surveillence

Richard Gakuba

Samuel L

Eric M

 Tembo Meeting Room"Unconference" Open Session - Global Open Facility Registry (GOFR)

Luke Duncan

Ally Shaban

 Faru Meeting Room "Unconference" Open Session - Hospital Experience Integrating with Interoperability Layer

Michael S.

10:30 - 11:00 AM Coffee Break - Networking  
11:00 AM - 12:00 PMMarquee Conference Room

Leadership and Governance: OpenHIE Communities

Carl Fourie, Jembi Health Systems

Paul Biondich, Regenstrief

 Tembo Meeting Room"Unconference" Open Session - Open discussion: Amending the OpenHIE Architecture Diagram to better show where custom/implementation specific systems fit inRyan Crichton, Jembi Health Systems 
 Faru Meeting Room "Unconference" Open Session - Data Sharing Policies and Protocols; Information Security

Brian Dixon




View file
12:00 - 12:15 PM Transition Break  
12:15 - 1:15 PMMarquee Conference Room

"Unconference" Open Session - Tanzania Experience of the Health Information Mediator

 Tembo Meeting Room"Unconference" Open Session - OpenHIE at Regional Levels and Multi-Country Data ExchangeWilfred S 
 Faru Meeting Room "Unconference" Open Session - Governance of the CommunityErick G. 
1:15 - 2:15 PM Lunch and Networking  
2:15 - 3:00 PMMarquee Conference RoomInteroperability and Standards: OpenHIE on FHIR

Carl L

Ryan C


 Tembo Meeting Room"Unconference" Open Session - Feedback Loops and Desolved Decision MakingAdele W 
 Faru Meeting Room "Unconference" Open Session - Patient Identification and Biometrics


Victor Chelule, Living Goods


3:00 - 3:30 PM Coffee Break and Networking  
3:30 - 4:15 PMMarquee Conference RoomInteroperability and Standards: Accredited reference implementation software and Standards Compliance and Procedures

Shaun Grannis, Regenstrief

Carl Fourie, Jembie Health Systems

Luke Duncan, IntraHealth International

Ryan Crichton, Jembi Health Systems

Carl Leitner, PATH

 Tembo Meeting RoomImplementers’ Experiences: Uganda Interoperability Model based on OpenHIE

Jonathan Mpango,

Makere University

Makerere University

Kenneth Musenge
CDC, Uganda


 Faru Meeting Room"Unconference" Open Session - Topic will be determined by the communityHow to assess and continuously improve maturity of health information systems for achieving better health outcomes

Manish Kumar, MEASURE Evaluation

James Kariuki, CDC


4:15 - 4:30 PM Transition Break  
4:30 - 5:00 PMMarquee Conference RoomClosing the Community MeetingPaul Biondich, Regenstrief 

What is the “Unconferencing” Approach? 

The OpenHIE Community meeting agenda will have some preset sessions, much like you see at other conferences.  But the agenda also has some “Unconference” sessions in which participants determine the agenda.  At the OpenHIE Community Meeting, we want to be sure Community Members get what they need from the conference, so the flexible agenda will enable time and space for important discussions to occur. This innovative approach of “Unconferencing” has been applied at conferences in the technology sector (i.e. Google) and has been very well received as an approach to customize a conference to meet the peer-to-peer learning goals of participants.

One the first day of the OpenHIE meeting, we will have an interactive session where participants will propose sessions they would like to see added to the agenda.  Some Community Members are already proposing these sessions using the wiki page, seeding ideas that are important ahead of the Community Meeting.  During the interactive session, we’ll compile a list of all the sessions proposed and participants will vote on their top choices.  Those with the most votes will be added to the “Unconference” sessions in the agenda of the meeting. 

Unconference Session Proposals

Unconferencing lets you (as the attended) set the topics you'd be interested in attending or presenting so please feel free to propose early session topic ideas to be considered and voted for "unconference sessions".

Topic and DescriptionPossible Host / Organisation

Persons Proposing

(so we can follow up with you)

Brief Description of Proposed Session
OpenHIE Supply Chain Community Activity ReportVillageReachTenly SnowThis would be a primary session sharing information on the activities of the Supply Chain Community from inception to today.
Working Session: HIE Health and Supply Chain - Defining common actors, definitions and information VillageReach + Implementing Organizations on the health sideTenly SnowThe OpenHIE Health and Supply Chain domains share a number of cross-cutting services as has been defined in the supply chain community. This working session will present the current thinking of the committee, define common service needs and work together to validate these ideas toward developing an integrated health and supply chain solution. We need experts in health, service delivery and logistics to get this right.
Where the heck is my shipment? - What it takes to get an immunization from the manufacturer to the arm.VillageReach, Logistimo and mSupplyTenly Snow

This session would share common supply chain terminologies, definitions, actors  and processes to educate the OpenHIE community about the supply chain.

This session may/may not include reference to GS1 standards.

Health Information System Interoperability Maturity Toolkit for Low-Resource Settings

MEASURE EvaluationManish Kumar

USAID’s MEASURE Evaluation project, in collaboration with the Digital Health and Interoperability technical working group of the Health Data Collaborative, has developed an Health Information System (HIS) Interoperability Maturity Toolkit for use by countries to assess and improve HIS interoperability. The toolkit enables countries to identify gaps associated with HIS interoperability and plan appropriate interventions to bridge those gaps. The first version of the tool was completed in December 2017 and will be reviewed annually based of lessons from implementation. In this session, we will (1) understand the rationale for developing HIS Interoperability Maturity toolkit; (2) learn when and how to use the assessment tool for strengthening HIS interoperability; and (3) discuss applicability of this toolkit as part of the OHIE’s ongoing in-country activities aimed at building strong interoperable HIS.

How to assess and continuously improve maturity of health information systems for achieving better health outcomes

MEASURE EvaluationManish Kumar

This session will introduce the “HIS stages of continuous improvement” tool to the participants, describe the five stages, and explain how the tool’s application can identify gaps and support development of roadmaps to improve capabilities related to HIS processes, people and systems essential for achieving a country’s health goals. The tool’s development is a collaborative effort of the Digital Health and Interoperability Technical  Working group of the Health Data Collaborative, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and MEASURE Evaluation (a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development).

IHE Connectathon prep

  • What it is and how do I prepare for it

Supply Chain Carl L 
Architecture review board Shaun G 
Case Based ReportingEric-Jan MandersTheresa Cullen

Some countries have made significant investments in health information systems that were at least in part motivated by the implementation of a national HIV program.  Where facility-based electronic health information systems exist, there are opportunities for automated public health reporting from the facility. In response to guidance from multilateral organizations such as WHO and UNAIDS, initiatives are emerging to implement a routine HIV case-based surveillance system.  This session shows how case based reporting (CBR)  generated from point of care HIT systems can support health information exchange and how CBR and HIEs can be leveraged in a surveillance use case. These use cases can support and align with overall country eHealth strategy. 

Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Ed Duffus/ Chris S / Annina /Carl  
Global Open Facility Registry Tool - IntraHealthLuke/Richard/EmilyAn overview of the tool being built for DATIM and Digital Square, a conversation around desirable features for the tool and the role of facility registries
Disease surveillance and emergency responseWayan VotaPaul Biondich

Focus on developing OpenHIE community approaches and tools for governments to use for disease surveillance and response for both fast-moving contagions (Ebola) and slow moving epidemics (HIV). This convening presents a unique opportunity to build awareness and momentum for an OpenHIE Disease Surveillance/Response Working Group and start the initial discussions.

Accelerating adoption of the OpenHIE FrameworkOHIE Architecture Community (Shaun Grannis / Jennifer Shivers)OHIE Architecture
    • Strategy for conformance testing of OHIE components   

    • Framing processes to help enable architecture conformance?  

    • How do we translate accelerate  the OpenHIE architecture into real-world implementations? What role does conformance testing play in acceleration..

    • Who needs to support conformance testing?

    • Who needs to actually do the conformance testing?  

      • Implementers?  

        • Tool developers?  

FHIR Gaps OHIE Architecture Team (Shaun Grannis / Jennifer Shivers)OHIE ArchitectureWhat are the FHIR gaps in supporting existing workflows and country needs and how do we fill them in?  / OpenHIE + maturing HL7 FHIR standards
OHIE ArchitectureOHIE Architecture Team (Shaun Grannis / Jennifer Shivers)OHIE Architecture
  • Architecture diagram conventions alignments

    • Health Supply chain representation

    • Health Insurance representation

    • Other feedback and changes

    • Health product registry

    • places of service vs systems/tools of service “below the line”

    • discussion on what is the metadata core on which business domains can be built upon

Reference ComponentsOHIE Architecture Team (Shaun Grannis / Jennifer Shivers)OHIE Architecture
  • Reference Implementation releases of architectural components

    • packaging of metadata core

Health Intersections and FHIR Carl L/Amanda B 
Establishing a laboratory information systems (LIS) communityRTI/UW?Gordon Cressman 
Terminology Services - empowering the OHIE platform towards semantic interoperabilityOHIE Terminology Services CommunityJon Payne, Carol Macumber
  • Discussion of Terminology Services, their role in the OHIE stack, and country use cases
  • Introduction to FHIR Terminology Services in support of common country use cases
  • Report (and reach out for additional information from participants) on use of standard terminologies across the international OHIE community
  • OpenHIE Metadata Clearinghouse: what services and content would best serve the community?
  • Using the OpenHIE Terminology Services Maturity Model to develop country terminology strategy
Case Based SurveillanceUse-casesJembiAn open discussion forum on how Case Based Surveillance is being empowered and how teams are seeing the use of health information exchange patterns to achive this.

openIMIS: A valuable use case for the openHIE framework

openIMIS Initiative/GIZAlicia Spengler, GIZ

A two part session to discuss uses of openHIE components for openIMIS:

Part one: Presentations that concentrate on providing the audience with information on the current progress with regards to the openIMIS initiative including the technical roadmap and the community of practice. The input will also include implementation experiences as well as an example of how data generated from the system is currently being used, and further potential.

Part two: Group work according to the different components of the openHIE framework (If it is deemed during the session that some registries are not applicable to openIMIS, fewer groups will be formed to focus on the most important registries). Each individual group to brainstorm on the possible interactions of openIMIS and the registry being discussed. The groups will also identify recommendations for the openIMIS technical roadmap as well as the openHIE framework to make such interactions possible.

Ad Hoc Note Taking

During OHIE18 we strongly encourage those having ad hoc meetings to take virtual / collaborative notes and post them to this wiki page below is instruction on how to create an OpenHIE community ether pad and a table to keep your notes so you can easily find them later.

  1. Go to
  2. Type in "YYYY-MM-DD Topic Title"
  3. Hit "OK" and ether pad will create the page for you
  4. Ad the Topic and URL in the table below

Site Visits

As part of the OpenHIE Community Meeting, participants will have the opportunity to visit health facilities in or near Arusha city, to see Electronic Immunization Registry implemented by the BID Initiative that used components of the OpenHIE architecture.  Each site visit will include no more than 10 people, and will include a demonstration of the immunization registry system in operation at the site.  The site visit will also showcase data use strategies that used by the team to build data use culture among frontline health care workers. 

All participants who register to attend the OpenHIE Community Meeting can participate in one site visit at no additional charge.  Participants will sign up for site visits during the first day of the conference.  Site visits will be planned in parallel to the meeting sessions.  Site visits will take place the morning of the third day of the Community Meeting  (Thursday, August 2) and the morning of the first day of the Connect-a-thon (Friday, August 3).  It is recommended that participants who are not joining the Connect-a-thon plan to attend a site visit on August 3, the day after the Community Meeting.  It is recommended that participants who are participating in the Connect-a-thon, join site visits on August 2, the third day of the Community Meeting.


Please visit the connectathon page for more information: 2018 OpenHIE Connectathon

The exchange of health system metadata is a critical issue for LMICs to address as they:

  • improve the monitoring of health system performance;

  • strive to meet SDG targets;

  • prioritize interventions to improve the quality of care and clinical outcomes; and

  • provide continuity of care across multiple levels and service providers in the health system.

Meeting these goals is rapidly driving a consensus on best practices and standards for interoperability of digital health tools for use in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). Leveraging HL7 FHIR and OpenHIE is foundational.  

Growing requests for accessible, affordable and expanded standards education are emerging from national and regional LMIC health entities in both Asia and Africa.  The Connect-a-thon will provide an opportunity to build local and regional expertise in the use of these data exchange standards by involving the data analysts and developers that know the data and systems in operation on the ground.   In addition, the Connect-a-thon seeks to promote a culture of data use by getting people excited about the potential uses of the data they are already collecting and by crowdsourcing new uses of existing data that will improve the delivery of healthcare.

Agenda and more details can be found HERE.

NOTE: The connect-a-thon is free to attend, but expressed interest is required during registration for the conference because space is limited. If you have any questions please contact Jamie Thomas.


To register for OHIE18, please CLICK HERE. For groups traveling together, please ensure each individual registers using the registration form.

Apply for Scholarship

The inaugural OpenHIE Community meeting will bring together Ministry of Health and Ministry of ICT leaders, experienced OpenHIE community members, developers of related health application software, and anyone new to the OpenHIE community who wants to learn more during a 3 day Community Meeting and 2 day Connect-a-thon. The event will take place at Mount Meru Hotel and Conference Center on July 31 - August 4 in Arusha, Tanzania.

There will be a limited number of scholarships available, providing travel support for participants of this event. Those chosen for a scholarship should be active, motivated members of the OpenHIE Community. Scholarship recipients should be ready to come to the Community meeting, bringing ideas, experiences and lessons learned to share with other participants.

Please complete this form to apply for a Scholarship to the OpenHIE Community Meeting by June 15, 2018. No late applications will be accepted. Recipients of scholarships will be notified by June 30, 2018.

The Scholarship Application Period has closed.  Scholarships will be announced in late June.

If you are attending OHIE18 or wish you could but cannot and want to keep in touch with people at the conference. 

Follow us on Twitter!

  • Tweet using the #OHIE18 hashtag.

Traveling to Tanzania

Visas and Invitation Letters: 


Visa amount


Ethiopia and Guinea

50 USD

Needs to have approval, and the request should be done in two months before entry to Tanzania

Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe

No Visa Needed

No visa needed for Tanzania travel

Indonesia, Liberia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Philippines, Senegal, Srilanka, Thailand, Sierra Leone and Vietnam

50 USD

The visa can be provided on Arrival


100 USD

The visa can be provided on Arrival

Information about visas can be found here:  

There are some countries which their nationals require special clearance from the Commissioner General of Immigration or the Commissioner of Immigration (Zanzibar) prior to issuance of the Visa. These countries fall under the referral visa category. Applicants whose nationals fall under referral visa category are not advised to book flight tickets or make any reservations before they get their visa.

List of Countries which their Nationals require Referral Visa:

  • Afghanistan
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bangladesh
  • Chad
  • Djibouti
  • Ethiopia
  • Eritrea
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Kazakhstan Republic
  • Kyrgyzstan Republic
  • Lebanon
  • Mali
  • Mauritania
  • Niger
  • Palestine
  • Senegal
  • Sierra Leone
  • Somali land
  • Somalia
  • Sri Lanka
  • Tajikistan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan     
  • Stateless (persons or persons with refugee status)

To do this, simply send an email to the Tanzania consulate nearest to you (eg embassy in Washington DC). The email must contain:

- The visa application form duly completed, stating the name and the contact information in Tanzania.

- A copy of the first pages of the passport

- A copy of the ticket (recommended)

Once the request is sent, the consulate sends documents for processing at the Immigration Service in Tanzania that returns a certificate in pdf format to present on site for the establishment of the visa.

The duration of treatment is quite random, it can last from 3 days to 6 weeks depending on the season. Do not hesitate to call the consulate to obtain information.


 If you require an invitation letter please contact Esther Mushi as soon as possible. Yellow fever vaccination cards are a prerequisite for your travel to Tanzania.


For a list of CDC recommended vaccines, visit here:


Please send your request to (addressed to Hawa Simba) and identify yourself as attending a "PATH event". The hotel is able to take a credit card to secure the room and then charge payment when you check in. Please be advised that payment can be through bank transfer (see bank details here) or credit card guarantee and rooms without deposit will be cancelled.

    • Shared Room Price: $82/night (per person)
    • Single Room Price: $130/night


Other accommodations in the area Kibo Palace Hotel and Four Points Arusha (5 min drive from Mount Meru Hotel and Conference Centre). If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jamal Nassor -


To coordinate transport for people from and to Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) we will be asking for travel itineraries over the next couple of months via email. If you have already booked your travel please share you itinerary with Jamal Nassor -

Event Sponsorships

Coming Soon!

Please contact for more information.