Intervals of various forms (IVL, PIVL, EIVL) are used to express and interval or range of time. Table 4 provides examples of how to represent intervals of time and how OpenSHR will interpret that range of time.
Table 4 - Intervals of time


OpenSHR Interpretation

<low value="20140402"/>
<high value="20150101"/>

Starting April 02, 2014 and ending January 01, 2015

<low value="20140402"/>

Starting on April 02, 2014 and has not ended, will not end (until infinity)

<high value="20150101"/>

Ending January 01, 2015, unknown start date or always occurring (start date of infinity)

<low value="2014"/>

Started sometime in 2014

<high value="2015"/>

Ending sometime in 2015

Note: Because of limitations imposed on OpenMRS' data-model, when sending intervals to OpenSHR both the low and high values must have the same precision. In the case of different date precisions used, OpenSHR will use the lowest precision of the two.

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