The complete the interoperability layer setup the following three components are needed. XDS-Mediator is only needed if you plan to use XDS. These may reside on separate or the same machine.
OS: Ubuntu 14.04 x64
Installation Notes
- Follow this guide.
- Since the startup script uses upstart, you start the service by giving the command:
sudo start openhim-core
- Download default.json and put it in /etc/openhim-core
- Edit the upstart file at /etc/init/openhim-core.conf and add the parameter --conf=/etc/openhim-core/default.json
- Make any config changes to the file /etc/openhim-core/default.json
- We did not make any changes in our testing environment.
Installation Notes
- Download the release from this page.
- Extract to /opt/openhim-mediator-xds
- Download this init script to control the mediator using the service command and place it in /etc/init.d.
- Make sure to make the script executable. chmod +x openhim-mediator-xds
- You will need to make some adjustments to cmd and user at the top of the file based on the version and user you create below.
- Create a user to run the mediator.
- e.g. # adduser openhim
- Download and place it in the openhim-mediator-xds directory.
- Edit to point to each component needed for XDS messages.