CDA documents may have one or more authors associated with the document. Author nodes are intended to represent all of the persons or devices who were involved in the creation of data contained within the clinical document.
OpenSHR stores local information related to each author obtained from inbound CDA documents and will merge new information (identifiers, names, etc.) based on the content contained within the CDA. It is recommended that the shr-cdahandler.epidRoot configuration value be configured to point to an enterprise provider identifier OID. This will allow the SHR to select an appropriate provider record in its local data store with which to associate data.
Figure 5 identifies the minimum requirements for an author being imported by OpenSHR.
Figure 5 - Specification of Author
<author typeCode="AUT" contextControlCode="OP">
<!-- 1..1 time - Indicating the time the author was involved -->
<time value=""/>
<!-- 1..1 assignedAuthor relationship -->
<assignedAuthor classCode="ASSIGNED">
<!-- 1..n id elements identifying the author -->
<id root="" extension=""/>
<!-- 0..n addr elements identifying the contact location of the author -->
<!-- 0..n telecom elements identifying the contact telecom address -->
<telecom value=""/>
<!-- 1..1 assignedPerson relationship -->
<assignedPerson classCode="PSN" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
<!-- 1..n name -->
<!-- 0..1 representedOrganization relationship -->
<representedOrganization classCode="ORG" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
<!-- 1..1 id elements identifying the organization -->
<id root="" extension=""/>
<!-- 1..1 name element identifying the name of the organization -->
<!-- 0..1 telecom element identifying telecommunications addresses for the org-->
<!-- 0..1 address element identifying the physical address of the org -->
When importing the author nodes of a CDA document, the OpenSHR module will create an OpenMRS Provider record and a User. In order to facilitate the storage of necessary contact information related to the assigned entities within a document, the OpenSHR CDA modules will use the person and provider attributes identified in Table 5.
Table 5 - Person Attribute Types


Data Type




Stores the <representedOrganization> related data.



Stores the <telecom> data

Figure 6 illustrates a Clinical Document that was authored by Dr. Julius Hibbert of Springfield General Hospital.
Figure 6 - Sample Author
<author typeCode="AUT" contextControlCode="OP">
<time value="20150103"/>
<assignedAuthor classCode="ASSIGNED">
<id root="" extension="234"/>
<id root="" extension="7"/>
<id root="" extension="508"/>
<addr nullFlavor="NI"/>
<telecom value="null"/>
<assignedPerson classCode="PSN" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
<representedOrganization classCode="ORG" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
<id root="" extension="9"/>
<name>Springfield General Hospital</name>
<telecom nullFlavor="NI"/>
<addr nullFlavor="NI"/>
Additionally, some information within a CDA may not be authored by a human, but may be data created by a machine (for example: to fulfill some form of constraints, or to illustrate "unknown" data). In this case the author will contain an assignedAuthorDevice with the device software name and version. Figure 7 provides an example of authorship for information that is generated by OpenSHR. Note that support for device authors is currently limited in OpenSHR.
Figure 7 - Sample author by device
<author typeCode="AUT">
<time value="20150103202926.988-0500"/>
<assignedAuthor classCode="ASSIGNED">
<id root=""/>
<addr nullFlavor="NI"/>
<telecom nullFlavor="NI"/>
<assignedAuthoringDevice classCode="DEV" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
<manufacturerModelName language="en-US">1.10.0 Build d8b5d0</manufacturerModelName>
<softwareName language="en-US">OpenSHR</softwareName>

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