The recordTarget element of a CDA document is used to express the subject of care to which the data contained within the CDA applies. CDA allows for multiple recordTarget elements to be assigned to a single document, however OpenSHR only supports the recordTarget element as a 1..1 relationship.
Figure 8 provides a specification of the recordTarget element to be used for sending data to OpenSHR. OpenSHR will scan the list of identifiers related to the patients and will attempt to match the identifiers with those contained in existing patients currently stored. It is recommended to set the shr-cdahandler.ecidRoot property to point to the jurisdictions enterprise client identifier OID, so that the SHR can appropriately match patients within a CDA document with those in the datastore.
Figure 8 - Specification for recordTarget
<recordTarget typeCode="RCT" contextControlCode="OP">
<!-- 1..1 patientRole elements -->
<patientRole classCode="PAT">
<!-- 1..n id elements identifying the patient -->
<id root="" extension=""/>
<!-- 0..n addr elements representing patient addresses -->
<!-- 0..n telecom elements representing patient telecom addresses -->
<telecom value=""/>
<!-- 1..1 patient association -->
<patient classCode="PSN" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
<!-- 0..1 name representing the name of the patient -->
<!-- 1..1 gender representing the gender of the patient -->
<administrativeGenderCode code="M|F|UN" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1" codeSystemName="AdministrativeGender"/>
<!-- 0..1 birthTime representing the date of birth (or approximate) -->
<birthTime value=""/>

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