Representing an instant in time is performed by using the "value" attribute of a TS or IVL datatype. Instants in time are represented as a variable precision HL7 time type in the format yyyyMMddHHmmss.ffffZ. Table 3 provides some examples of how to represent an instant in time and how OpenSHR will interpret the time.
Table 3 - Interpretation of time


OpenSHR Interpretation

<effectiveTime value="20141028012332.0429-0200"/>

Occurs exactly at 01:23:32 and 429ms on October 28, 2014 GMT-2:00

<effectiveTime value="20141028012332.0249"/>

Occurs exactly at 01:23:32 and 249ms on October 28, 2014 GMT-0:00

<effectiveTime value="20141028012332-0200"/>

Occurs at 01:23:32 on October 28, 2014 GMT-2:00

<effectiveTime value="201410280123-0200"/>

Occurs sometime during 01:23 on October 28,2014 GMT-2:00

<effectiveTime value="2014102801-0200"/>

Occurs sometime between 01:00 and 01:59:59 on October 28, 2014 GMT-2:00

<effectiveTime value="20141028"/>

Occurs sometime on October 28, 2014

<effectiveTime value="201410"/>

Occurs sometime in October 2014

<effectiveTime value="2014"/>

Occurs sometime in 2014

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