Versions Compared


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Completed Document Processors

  • Antepartum History and Physical (APHP) - AntepartumHistoryAndPhysicalDocumentProcessor
  • Antepartum Summary (APS) - AntepartumSummaryDocumentProcessor
  • MedcalDocumentsDocumentProcessor
  • XDS Medical Summaries (XDS-MS) - MedicalSummariesDocumentProcessor
  • History and Physical (HP) - HistoryAndPhysicalDocumentProcessor
  • Generic Level 2 CDA - GenericDocumentProcessor

Completed Section Processors

  • All Level 2 Sections - GenericLevel2SectionProcessor , including
    • Chief Complaint
    • Assessment and Plan
    • Consultations
    • History of Surgical Procedures
    • Intake and Output
    • Pain Assessment Panel
    • Birth Plan
    • Discharge Status
    • Event Outcomes
    • Newborn Status at Maternal Discharge
    • History of Blood Transfusion
    • Review of Systems
    • Care Plan
    • Discharge Disposition
    • Discharge Diet
    • Advance Directives
    • History of Present Illness
    • Hospital Course
    • Review of Systems
  • Active Problems - ActiveProblemsSectionProcessor
  • History of Infection - CodedHistoryOfInfectionSectionProcessor (Coded and non-coded)
  • Pregnancy History - PregnancyHistorySectionProcessor
  • Detailed Physical Examination -
  • ChiefComplaintSectionProcessor
  • ActiveProblemsSectionProcessor
  • AssessmentAndPlanSectionProcessor
  • CodedHistoryOfInfectionSectionProcessor
  • HistoryOfSurgicalProceduresSectionProcessor
  • PregnancyHistorySectionProcessor
  • DetailedPhysicalExaminationSectionProcessor (Coded and non-coded)
  • Allergies and Other Adverse Reactions - AllergiesAndOtherAdverseReactionsSectionProcessor
  • Family History - FamilyHistorySectionProcessor (Coded and non-coded)
  • Social History - SocialHistorySectionProcessor (Coded and non-coded)
  • ReviewOfSystemsSectionProcessor
  • Vital Signs - VitalSignsSectionProcessor (Coded and non-coded)
  • HistoryOfPresentIllnessSectionProcessor
  • HistoryOfPastIllnessSectionProcessor
  • History of Past Illness - HistoryOfPastIllnessSectionProcessor (Coded and non-coded)
  • Physical Exam - PhysicalExaminationSubSectionProcessor (handles all physical exam sub-sections)
  • Antenatal Testing and Surveillance - AntenatalTestingAndSurveillanceSectionProcessor
  • Antepartum Visit Summary Flowsheet - AntepartumVisitSummaryFlowsheetSectionProcessor
  • Coded Results - CodedResultsSectionProcessor
  • Estimated Delivery Dates - EstimatedDeliveryDatesSectionProcessor
  • Medications - MedicationsSectionProcessor

Completed Entry Processors

  • Vital Signs - VitalSignsObservationEntryProcessor
  • Simple Observations - SimpleObservationEntryProcessor
  • Family History Organizer - FamilyHistoryOrganizerEntryProcessor
  • Concern Entry - ConcernEntryProcessor
  • Allergies and Intolerances Concern - AllergiesAndIntolerancesConcernEntryProcessor
  • Severity Observation - SeverityObservationEntryProcessor
  • Allergies and Intolerances Observation - AllergiesAndIntolerancesEntryProcessor
  • Problem Concern - ProblemConcernEntryProcessor
  • Family History Observation - FamilyHistoryObservationEntryProcessor
  • Vital Signs Organizer - VitalSignsOrganizerEntryProcessor
  • Pregnancy Observation - PregnancyObservationEntryProcessor
  • Pregnancy History Organizer - PregnancyHistoryOrganizerEntryProcessor
  • Antenatal Testing and Surveillance Battery - AntenatalTestingAndSurveillanceBatteryEntryProcessor
  • Estimated Delivery Date Observation - EstimatedDeliveryDateObservationEntryProcessor
  • External References - ExternalReferencesEntryProcessor
  • Medications - MedicationsEntryProcessor (Conditional and Split Dosing)
    • Tapered Dosing - TaperedDosingMedicationsEntryProcessor
    • Normal Dosing - NormalDosingMedicationsEntryProcessor
  • Procedures - ProceduresEntryProcessor 

Concept Dictionary

The OpenMRS concept dictionary is used extensively by this module. Each concept that requires association to an observation, allergy, problem, etc. is selected from a reference term within the code and concept source represented by the code/codeSystem attributes of a code in the CDA respectively. Once an appropriate reference term is found the concepts that are mapped to that term are searched based on suitability to store the CDA data. The type of concept used in OpenMRS’ concept dictionary and its mapping to the CDA datatype to be stored is shown below:

  • BL -> Boolean
  • CS/CV/CE/CD -> Coded
  • INT -> Numeric
  • PQ -> Numeric (units are also checked)
  • ST, II, TEL -> Text
  • ED / SD -> Complex
  • TS -> DateTime
  • CO -> Numeric if "value" is used, Coded if "code" is used
  • RTO, MO -> Text

If none of concept source, reference term, or concept are found then it is created and mapped accordingly. Where possible built in OpenMRS concepts are used. Additionally, whenever a Numeric concept is found to represent a PQ where the units do not match, the module will check to see if the units are convertible. For example, if an openMRS concept for Height is found however the PQ in the CDA is represented in m instead of cm the unit is converted to cm before storage.

Because CDA uses a variety of codes from SNOMED, LOINC and others, there is a need to bulk-import concepts and their mapping to MVP/CIEL upon module install. This is done via the ReferenceTermDictionary.xml file in the resources folder. Upon build, this XML file is transformed to a liquibase.xml file and placed in the omod file. This file contains mapping to CIEL concepts where appropriate and allows the module to use those mappings in an easy to maintain XML File (editable within Microsoft Excel as a table)


Many entries within the CDA document carry what are known as moodCodes. These mood codes identify the mode of the entry.

  • Entries carrying a mood code of EVN (event) represent something did occur (i.e. I did observe X)
  • Entries carrying a mood code of INT (intent) represent the intent to do what the entry represents (i.e. I intend to observe X, or I would like someone to observe X)
  • Entries carrying a mood code of GOL (goal) mean the entry represents a desired end state such as in a care plan (i.e. The goal is to observe X by Y date)
  • Entries carrying a mood code of PRP (proposal) mean the entry represents a proposal to perform something

Within the CDA import module, entries are imported into OpenMRS' data model depending on their mood code. Below is a table representing the source CDA RMIM class by moodCode and the resulting structure in OpenMRS.

ObservationObsObservationOrderObs Group (having GOAL sub-obs)Obs Group (having PROPOSAL sub-obs)
OrganizerObs GroupN/AN/AN/A
SubstanceAdministrationObs Group (160741)DrugOrderN/AN/A
ProcedureObs Group  (160714)ProcedureOrderObs Group (having GOAL sub-obs)Obs Group (having PROPOSAL sub-obs)
ActActiveListItem (Allergy or Problem)N/AN/AN/A

Note: ProcedureOrder and ObservationOrder are extended orders having additional data placed in the procedure_order and observation_order tables in OpenSHR's data model respectively. These classes were extended to qualify the type of order as well as track additional data required such as targetSiteCode, procedure/observation requested, and goal ranges.

Known Issues / Todo


Most up-to date listed here:

  1. Currently there is some header elements which cannot be mapped appropriately into OpenMRS
  2. Currently many types of entries are missing INT mood code handling
    1. This should create an Order in OpenMRS which has some caveats. 
    Updating of current observations that are identified doesn’t work as expected, the module stores the observation id in the accession number field and this is used to determine if an observation was previously recorded. The expected behavior is that the old version is voided, and the new version stored with a pointer to the voided version.
  3. Family History observations are kind of hacked as the oMRS mechanism for storing these are similar to CDA but not identical.
  4. Performance is poor, it appears to be in the code that double checks if a concept name already exists prior to creating it, I’m not sure if this is a problem with the standalone instance of oMRS that I’m testing with or if it is an issue with the logic.For some reasons transactions aren’t working with the code, again not sure if this is a problem with oMRS instance I’m using. I am following the transaction guidance from the oMRS dev wiki.
  5. All observations are created within the oMRS database and are seen in the Observation management admin panel, however the encounter summary panel does not show grouped obs in the UI.