- Q1 Updates
- Data cleaning period for Q1
- Country teams validate using self-service R validation tool
- Data Validation App: https://apps.datim.org/validation/
- Login with DATIM username & password
- Linked to DATIM so no data delays
- App available for use at any time, no open and closing period
- Data Validation App: https://apps.datim.org/validation/
- Import by sending data (updates, additions) as import files
- To delete data, send delete files
- Country teams validate using self-service R validation tool
- Import deadline March 11
- Reminders sent last week
- Data cleaning period for Q1
- Once we receive data, it is validated
- Each operating unit to submit one compiled file of all the partner data
- ZenDesk Resources for Data Import process: https://datim.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002334246-DATIM-Data-Import-and-Exchange-Resources#p3
- Presentation on
- Validation Process: https://icfonline-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/54116_icf_com/EazUtsYIaM9BlG5WHznyBGUBNuqkZzzQ59QnAU-DlZxpFQ?e=HXBdP4
- Structural issues prevent data from being imported and need to be addressed before importation
- Duplicate issues (e.g., 2 rows with same information but different valuesets) - unable to predict which valuesets will be imported into DATIM
- Validation rule violations are flagged as warnings for review and confirmation by operating unit, does not stop import process
- Submit ZenDesk support ticket if have questions
- Validation Process: https://icfonline-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/54116_icf_com/EazUtsYIaM9BlG5WHznyBGUBNuqkZzzQ59QnAU-DlZxpFQ?e=HXBdP4
- Once we receive data, it is validated
- Integrity check
- Validation rule violation checks
- PPM approval
- Process can take up to a day to show in DATIM
- Once we receive data, it is validated
- Q2 opens April 1, import deadline May 6
- Review of data import process, demo of app at
- April’s Monthly meeting
- Organizational Hierarchy Changes Updates
- No tickets pending
- Integrity checks in process
- Requests for information will be sent to affected
- operating units that have data, but duplicate or missing MOH IDs
- Template for Request for Additional Facilities: https://datim.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/360035819412/3._DATIM_Site_Change_Operation_Template_Sept_2018.xlsx
- Open Discussion
- Question: How many times can data be resubmitted?
- Official Process: One submission that includes all partner data during regular import process, period closes
- then reopens for cleaning submission to address any issues
- If data is submitted early, opportunity to review data in Data Genie, DRTs
- Note that data takes some time to be accessible in Genie
- Have flexibility with resubmissions, but we request to limit the amount of resubmissions
- When resubmitting, any time a data value is updated, it invalidates
- deduplication. Deduplication will need to be done again.
- Submission should be
- completed by import deadline to give
- operating units the
- chance to review in Data Genie or DRT to determine if resubmission is required, to deduplicate, verify and approve