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· SIMS Discussion: Proposed solution for resolving the issue with SIMS 2.0 Assessments with the Same Period, OU and IM
1. Brief recap of this issue (Mark)
2. Proposed solution: Develop a tool to identify assessments and replace the Period data (Vlad/Jason)
a. How to identify these assessment; agreement on the criteria and discussion of any other issues
b. Replacing the Period to make it unique:
i. How would this work
ii. Possible challenges
c. Tool specifications; preferred technology? SQL, R Script or something else.
d. Providing sample files:
i. Changes to the file format specifications; adding 3 additional fields i.e. "storedby","timestamp","comment"
e. Possible impact on data analysis; obscuring the period filed so it’s not used for any analysis.
f. Clarifications:
i. Period is a placeholder date
ii. Assessment date will remain unchanged
· PEPFAR Q4 MER Updates
· SIMS Discussion: Proposed solution for resolving the issue with SIMS 2.0 Assessments with the Same Period, OU and IM
There is no uniqueness between agencies, but there only needs to be uniqueness within an agency
c. Tool specifications; preferred technology? SQL, R Script or something else.
There is an availible R script to check for validations. If this R script manipulates CSV tables, it would be helpful to know what the file is changing
Cover sheet data elements are shared between elements
d. Providing sample files:
i. Changes to the file format specifications; adding 3 additional fields i.e. "storedby","timestamp","comment"
"Comment" would be where the AssessmentID would go.