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Is there any flexibility in what file types can be used to submit data?
Will it be possible to shift the SIMS submission timeline? Mark stated that the shift would be up to the SIMS core group
UAT will be completed on May 12th and the 13th is when the agencies can start to submit.
The SIMS Data Import Guidance document linked above include instructions for the SIMS data import.
There is no SIMS file naming convention set out by the SIMS core group. Alejandra will follow up on this.
There will be no new accounts created unless the user account doesn't already exist. The user account needs to be configured. There is a one day turnaround for the configuration request, Mark highlighed that agencies confirm that accounts are working.
The SIMS data will continue to be daily and not quarterly. That line will be corrected in the import guidance document.
In UAT testing and updating document. Proceeding with the same deadline for Friday